♪ TEN ♪

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"I'll be back tonight, Jonah," Aurora promises with a giggle, looking down at the boy attached to her leg.

Standing next to her in Dairy Queen, Carmen wasn't having much better luck convincing Zach as Mark attempted to pull the girls away from their needy boyfriends.

"But I want to go too," Jonah and Zach chorus simultaneously, Jonah jutting his lower lip out in a pout.

"You can't," Carmen says, nearly falling as she tries to wiggle her leg free. "It's a girl's day."

"Then why does Mark get to go?" Jonah questions, glaring up at Aurora accusingly. "I am at least three percent positive that he is, in fact, a guy."

"Because he always goes to the spa with me," she explains. "And besides, we need a break."

Before either boys can retort, Mark finally manages to sling Aurora over his shoulder and latches Carmen onto his other arm, towing them out of the fast food restaurant. The two remain on the floor, pouting.

On the way out, they received weird looks from the strangers around them. Aurora waves to each and every one of them until Mark drops her and Carmen into the backseat before climbing into the driver's seat.

"Is anyone else coming with us?" Aurora asks, gesturing to the empty passenger seat.

"No." Mark shrugs his shoulders, pulling out of the parking lot. "I just figured Carmen wouldn't want to be by herself in the backseat."

The brunette nods, glancing over at Carmen as she continues to stare out the window, seemingly oblivious to the conversation.

"Caramel," Aurora pokes her side.

"Yes?" Carmen turns to look at the girl, snapping out of her thoughts.

"Want to hear a joke?" She questions, continuing without waiting on an answer. "What did one orphan say to the other?"

From the front seat, Mark groans, having heard the joke earlier that morning.

"I don't know. What?"

"Robin, get in the batmobile." Aurora smiles proudly upon hearing the younger girl's laugh as Mark let's out another groan.

"Don't tell me you've got a dark sense of humor too," he begs the girl, glancing through the rearview mirror.

"I do." She grins. "It's probably not as dark as Aurora's, but it's pretty dark."

"No one can be as dark as her."


As the relaxing day at the spa was drawing to an end, Aurora found herself wanting to remain in the spa's recliner forever.

She had been left to her thoughts for the majority of the day - after putting her phone on airplane mode to stop Corbyn's spam of memes - which was just what she needed after the events a couple of days ago.

When Jonah showed up at her apartment door with roses and a declaration of his love, she quite frankly had no idea how to respond. She had never felt for someone the way she feels for Jonah, and had no idea if her feelings were love or simply another fling. None of her past experiences ever lasted longer than a couple of weeks, and she didn't want to claim she loved Jonah if they would end in only a matter of days.

Immediately after he told Aurora how he felt, Jonah could see the anxiety and worry etched into her features. He didn't want to rush her into reciprocating his feelings and reassured the girl she could take as long as she'd like before she ever said it back. After all, he was willing to wait forever for the girl he loves.

Biting into one of the cucumbers on her eyes, Aurora leans against her armrest, pushing all worries out of her head as she fixes her best friend with a stare.

"So, Mark," she inquires. "How are things going with Elle?"

Carmen sits her phone aside, leaning closer as well to hear his response.

A dazed look passes over Mark's face as he leans back in his chair. "Things are going great. I know I've only known her for three days and everything, but I really like this girl."

"Well," Carmen says, propping her elbow up on Aurora's armrest. "She really likes you too."

"Miss Daniels," one of the new employees say, interrupting the conversation. "You can wash off the face masks now."

Aurora thanks the girl; following her instructions and grabbing her phone. Linking her arm through Carmen's, the three step outside and straight into a down pour.

"I'M MELTING!" Aurora screeches, sprinting to Mark's car with the other girl in tow.

Throwing herself into the backseat, she can't help but to laugh as Carmen nearly falls getting in too. Mark, who wasn't lucky enough to reach the car in less than a second, gets behind the steering wheel soaking wet.

It's silent in the car, apart from their ragged breathing, as Mark leaves the spa. That is, until Carmen speaks up.

"Want to hear a joke?"

"Of course I do, Caramel," Aurora answers immediately.

"How many lawyers does it take to plaster a wall?"

"I don't know," she admits, furrowing her eyebrows together, surprised she hadn't heard the joke before.

"It depends on how hard you throw them."

"You two are sick," Mark mutters, turning on the radio in an attempt to drown them out.

"I'm not sick." Aurora smirks. "I'm twisted. Sick makes it sound like there's a cure."


Aurora links arms with Carmen as they walk up the driveway to the Why Don't We house. The rain had stopped and Mark was driving away, claiming he had something else to do.

But upon entering the door, troubles soon began. Carmen was yanked away as Aurora finds herself tackled to the floor by Jonah. Jonah's arms squeeze her torso tightly, keeping her pinned.

"I missed you so much," he mutters, resting his chin on her shoulder. "You can't leave me alone that long again."

"I might as well just move in." She chuckles, nevertheless hugging him in return.

"Can you?" He asks, leaning back to look at her.

The second the question leaves his lips, a blush appears, Jonah instantly berating himself for asking such a thing.

Aurora doesn't answer, instead grabbing the front of his shirt and pulling the flustered teen back to her, crashing her lips onto his.

"Now, Marais, we've barely been dating for two weeks. Ask again on our one month anniversary."

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