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I sat in the car for roughly 2 minutes, My legs were shaking nervously but also impatiently , WHY wouldn't be just park on the usual car park.
My mind began to fill with different ideas as to what could be going on and before I could come up with a solution that made sense he came back to the car and proceeded to drive. He drove past all 4 car parks and drive closer to the arena.
" why arent you parking at ANY of these car parks?!" I exclaim to my Uncle, contemplating whether he knew what he was doing or not , instead of replying to me , My Uncle just smiled and hummed a song to himself.
Around 40 seconds or so had passed and he parked in a smaller car park around the back of the arena where only 10 or 12 cards were parked.
" Are you allowed here ?" I worryingly ask
" of course , dafty"
I get out the car , shutting the door around me,  looking at my surroundings and soaking in the atmosphere.
" Jade can you quickly go in the glove box , there should be a lanyard , pass it me please "
An array of thoughts ran through my mind.
I did as he asked and passed him a lanyard on with a clear ,plastic slot at the end.
He pulled a piece of card out his pocket and slid it into the lanyard wallet. I tried to sneak a look at the lanyard but I couldn't see correctly due to us walking at a fast speed.
I could see the long line of people , waiting to see the 3 bands.

My Uncle ushered me to walk quicker , walking past the end of the queue.
" Uncle Kev, you don't know what you're doing , the line is down there "
I laughingly exclaim to him but I still remained worried and nervous.

We got to the far end of the outside of the arena and a big , muscled man stood outside double doors with paper and clipboard in his hand.
" Identification please'' this tall bald man said to my Uncle , he looked incredibly intimidating. WOAH ??!! My mind suddenly realised...
Why are we round the back.
Where no one is around .
With a big beefy guy defending the door.
With a list of people who can go In.
And why is my Uncle on the list.

The big man inspected my Uncles lanyard and allowed us to proceed into the arena. It was all set and ready for the performance later on, no fans were in sight as the doors didn't open for another 30 minutes.
" Why are we allowed in here now , and why are you on a list?"
" hang on Jade , just wait here , I need to make a quick phone call "
My Uncle had left me again in confusion. The limited information made me more and more agitated.

As I look around I notice a group of 6 men setting up the back board for the band's to stand by later on for photos with fans. 3 boards were set our across the arena floor. A bright blue and white one covered in Vamps logos, a green and pink one for The Tide and a white board with a huge logo on for New Hope Club.


My phone vibrated in my pocket , making me jump.
My phone read : " Chelsea ❤ "
I swipe and answer the call.
C : Where are you ?!
J : oh shit yeah! I completely forgot you were coming omg
C : well where are you ??
J : the weirdest thing happened , basically my Uncle works for one if the band's I think and....

" EXCUSE ME , can you please get of your phone for now thank you " a deep voice bellowed to me.

J: I'm sorry I'll have to go

I ended the call feeling very guilty because I was meant to meet Chelsea and also for cutting her off but the big security guy is scary.

" Jade QUICKLY COME HERE" My Uncle waved over to me and I immediately headed towards his direction , he lead me backstage and towards a corridor with white doors on each side with labels on.
As I went past and read the signs on the rooms I became disheartened as none of them were what I wanted them to be.
---- BZZZ BZZZ----
1 New Message From Chelsea ❤ ;
"Hey girl , text me when you can. The doors are opening in 15 "
As I text back I followed my Uncle into a room , my eyes glued to my phone to make sure I reply quickly before getting caught again.
I hear the door shut behind me and I place my phone back into my pocket.
" Hi Kev , How's it going ? " I hear a familiar accent say. My eyes shot up to see Blake and George high fiving and hugging my Uncle?! WHAT ON EARTH IS HAPPENING ??!!! I discretely pinch myself numerous times to ensure I wasn't dreaming or anything of that sort.
I had practised meeting the boys hundreds of times in my head , in hundreds of different scenarios - I knew I had to play it cook but my inner fangirl was creeping more and more to the surface as my heart began to race and my face became incredibly warm.
" Hey you must be Jade ! " Blake gestures a hug to me- my mouth becomes dry.

I move in for a hug Blake so tight feeling his black , silky hair touch my face.
" it's so nice to finally meet you " George also pulls me in for a hug , I find it incredibly difficult to say anything .
My mouth opens but nothing comes out.
" she's nervous bless her , Jade sit down " my Uncle jokes to me while helping himself out to a drink in the boy's dressing room
Finally words escape my lips
" it's so nice to meet you guys , are you okay"
Thankfully no screams came out and I was able to say it without stammering. " we're good thank you , we heard you love Reece aye??"
Blake's soft voice soothes my nerves
" aha yeahh" I laugh nervously unsure on what the next comment will be.
" he should be here in a moment " and  on queue , Reece entered the room...

I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. It's kicking in very soon I promise ♡

~ Perfume ~ ♡ a Reece Bibby story♡Where stories live. Discover now