Ch. 1

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"Padre!" I shouted through the circular window that was in my prisoner cell, "PADRE!" I shouted again as my father's men and the pirates fought and shot the heavy cannons.

My father was busy in charge of the real, I began to bang on the wood of the boat, "Padre!" I attempted to cry out to him louder.

The stupid pirates were heading straight for the dark abiss known as The Devil's Triangle.

"No, no, no!" I shouted , "Stupid pirates! Turn back! TURN BACK! PAPA!!!" I began to shout louder and hit at the floor boards above me and the ones on the wall. The next thing I know is the ship took a sharp and heavy turn to the left, I ended up falling over and hitting my head hard on the window frame.

I held my head as well as hanging on to one of the bars of the cell.

Water began to seep in through holes around me created by either bullets or cannon balls.

Water reached me and I instantly became cold, I was only in my under skirt and an under blouse, My dress was in my Father's boat.

Wait.. My father!

I stood up quickly getting light headed instantly but I didn't mind it for I stuck my head out the window looking behind me. The Silent Mary was too late.

They couldn't have escaped. They went right into the opening of the Devil's Triangle. The abiss Greeted my father and his men with death and curse.

"No!!!" I shouted and began to cry, I ran to the bars and shook them as hard as I could.

I grabbed the bucket close by filled with clean water, that was meant for me to drink from, and emptied it out, hitting the floor boards under the pirate's feet. I hit it with all my strength not that it could do anything but I was so angry I wanted one to come down at least so I can kill them!

I expected the Captain but I couldn't kill the captain, Or else dozens of men would kill me.

I heard the Pirates walking around, I knew they were ignoring me and probably celebrating or thanking their oh so amazing captain for KILLING MY FATHER!

"You will all pay for this!!!! You killed my Papa!!!!! Let me out!!!!" I began to shout and kick the wood on the walls with the back of my foot.

That's when I heard some men shout and then footsteps nearing the staircase. I picked up the empty bucket quickly and faced my cell door.

Two dirty and nasty looking pirates walked towards me and I only glared at them.

"Aw, look at thee' Lil' girl missin' her pop-pop" one chuckled. "ye' missing Ol' Butcher of the sea, eh?" The second one chuckled.

"He is my father and you all killed him!" I shouted.

"Ye father nearly killed half ou' crew, we returned the favor" The first one sneered. I stayed quiet.

My Father... Was not the best man. He was so full of rage all the time. At the mention of the word 'Pirate' he would snap and pull out his pistol.

You see, pirates killed my grandfather, and my great grandfather, and since then it was my father's duty to kill every existing pirate to honor my grandfathers.

He was an abusive father too, he was protective of me but he had the shortest of temper, and now a days woman have no say in anything. We report an abuse case and it will be skipped over.

He would hit me and mi mum, but all in all he was my father.

I threw the bucket with all my force at the door and it's lock. Seeing that the lock had broken a bit, but the pirates had no clue for they backed away.

Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Sea Mistress (Pirates'FF) {Dead Man Tell No Tale}Where stories live. Discover now