Ch. 15

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Marina's POV

"Beware the wrath of the Sea Mistress, Beware the wrath of the Sea Mistress... Betray the queen and face her knights... If sea is where you're safe... She'll make sure you don't survive the night... Beware the wrath of the Sea Mistress , never meet her eye to eye when you done 'er wrong... Death and curse will pursue the one that betrays.. Never sleep in peace again"

My eyes began to flutter open, I was being swayed slightly, I was in someone's arms, but they didn't feel like Jack's.

I looked at the man holding me and gasped. He looked down at me and smirked, "you're awake, Love!" He said rather happily.

I head butted him causing him to drop me, shout in pain and hold his forehead.

I grabbed his sword handle and held it in front of me as their remainder of their men stood around ready to attack, gun and swordless.

"Where's Jack?" I asked the young captain. He remained quiet but gave me a pointed Stare, "marina put-" "how do you know my name?! I will ask again and for the last time! Where . is. JACK?!" I shouted at him.

"Marina, Jack gave you up" he said as clamly as he could.

"What?" I asked, The sword shook in my hands. "he sacrificed you for his treasure, his crew and ship... And his own life, I would have killed him on the spot" he then chuckled. My breathing was ragged, I was panting in anger, "why didn't you!" I spat.

He was taken aback, "pardon?" He asked, "WHY DIDN'T YOU KILL HIM!" I shouted, feeling so hurt that jack did this, just as I was beggining to fall for him he betrays me! I didn't mean what I say but a part of me did.

"Because you care for him, plus I rather see him suffer by the sea mistress herself" he smirked walking towards me, seeing that the sword in my hands was lowering from my emotional state.

He wrapped his hand over mine and my breathing calmed down, as I stared at his pale hand, tears stung my eyes and blurred my vision as my breathing was still ragged a bit.

"Marina" he said taking the sword from me gently. I didn't even fight him or tried to take the sword back.

"Jack gave you up for his own selfish needs! Treasure!" The young captain said in anger.

I looked away, seeing Jack's ship sail away in the distance, "hands on deck" He said simply, his crew began to ready the ship, The older captain approached me, he bowed his head "I'm Emerson" he introduced himself, I nodded not looking at him, "Mari" I said , my eyes scanning the black sand under my feet, Emerson left behind us, leaving The other captain and me alone on the island now.

"Marina" my chin was lifted to look into his green orbs. "Join me. Join us, like hell will I ever do anything to you like that little bastard did to you" he said.

I looked down but nodded, "be happy, Mistress, you have all the power in the world in the seas to destroy the Sparrow, so what do you say?" He said with a smirk.

Jack deserves everything that comes to him, I gave him trust and I even began to fall in love with him! He must suffer for abandoning me like that. 

My lips tugged up into a smirk, i felt my eyes zap quick light blue color.

"I say let's go" I said arching my eyebrow, he linked our arms together as we walked up the ramp to his and his father's ship.

"I'm Joshua" he said bowing his head and placing a kiss on my knuckles, I smiled at him then with my free hand caressed the stubble on his face with the back of my fingers.

He smiled then turned around to face his crew, barking out orders to follow Jack's ship. My adrenaline rushed through me as we slowly began to catch up to Jack's ship, once we were side by side I saw jack by the wheel, his head snapped in our direction and he looked straight at me.

His eyes flashed with guilt but then they hardened.

I glared at him then stepped on the ship's railing, jumping aboard Jack's deck.

"Marina!" Joshua shouted then unsheathed his sword glaring at Jack.

I pushed past jack and went to our once shared quarters, grabbing my clothes and stuffing them in my potato sack like bag.

I heard footsteps rush in with me, I grabbed the myth book where I read about my legend then stuffed that in as well as my clothes the witch had given me.


I turned around, jack was starring at me, he then smiled and rushed out, barking orders to go because I was now aboard again.

I shouted in anger then grabbed my bag and rushed out the room, hurdling past everyone and jumping back aboard Joshua's ship, Jack looked at me in disbelief.

"Don't you look at me like that!" I shouted at him, Making him jump back slightly.

"The treasure was more important to you than an old friend I see. I RISKED MY LIFE FOR YOU JACK AND GAVE YOU WHAT YOU WANTED! TREASURE!" I shouted.

"But keep in mind one thing" I shuddered in anger as his eyes showed desperation. "not all treasure is silver and gold, Jack" I said , tears stinging my eyes.

His eyes seem to water as well, or I think that was just my mind playing tricks on me. That's when I began to sob.


His eyes were filled with disappointment but his actions didn't show that. He looked away from me, barked out orders to his crew mates , his crew mates obvisouly listening to him, soon they were leaving, sailing away from me, stuck on a ship with men I didn't know.

"Beware the Wrath of the Sea Mistress, Beware the Wrath of Sea Mistress, Beware the stare of the Sea Mistress, Don't look back, Never look back, until the deed is done, Beware the Wrath of the Sea Mistress"

Beware the power at my hands.

If Jack's life is the sea. We'll just have to see how much he'll suffer when everything he's ever known is taken from him.

This is not the end. It never will be the end.

I smirked as I saw Jack's ship sail away, while the men on the ship I was currently on chanted the chant of the Sea Mistress

"Why did you not let him have it then and there?" Emerson approached me.

I looked at him then back out to Jack's ship." it'll be cruel to have him scatter like an ant under a magnifying glass so early. Let's give him a heads start, he's going to need it"

Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Sea Mistress (Pirates'FF) {Dead Man Tell No Tale}Where stories live. Discover now