Ch. 6

722 29 0

  June 22

   Word at sea is that the mistress has found a husband, a husband       meaner than the devil himself, he calls himself El Matador Del Mar, Butcher of the Sea.
   Rumor has it that he only married her to get what he wanted, locate where pirates were and where the treasures they seek, lie.
   Little by little she began to notice how he was only using her. Just when she was going to leave him and curse she found out she was pregnant. A child that Captain Salazar did not want nor believe was his.
   He had enough information on where pirates were headed so he had no use of her for a while. It is said that she did not want to marry him but he threatened to kill her mother , the former Mistress of the sea, if she did not comply.
   And once they did get married, he killed her mother in cold blood to use the mistress now. For weeks, the sea creatures and the poor mermaids sang their mourning songs in tribute to their fallen Mistress.
   They were out for revenge if it wasn't for the kin, the new mistress ordering peace at sea, she did not want a war. I am just worried that the soon to be born child of the mistress will meet the same fate.



My eyes scanned the paper still even after I was done reading the Journal entry.

I felt angry, confused, and heart broken, all at once. There was so much pressure in my chest that it was getting harder for me to breathe. "ugh, done reading? Me arm is getting quite tired" jack said, I forgot he was holding it up for me to read.

I didn't answer him, I felt like screaming I felt like kicking or hurting someone. I stood up quickly and stormed out of the quarters and once I reached the railing of the deck, I shouted in pure anger, screaming as loud and as much as I could, scaring the flock of seagulls that were peacefully floating about and looking for fish. Were. They were gone, obviously disturbed by my crazed screams.

"Screaming won't do ya good" I heard jack behind me. I shuttered, my breath was jagged, and I was panting at the same time, I glares at him while in this state and he quickly stepped back.

"So I've just been left out of the truth my whole life?" I asked more to myself but jack was quick to answer.


I turned around to him again and glared, "you need to let out your anger before you hurt someone and pretty sure that person will be me because you can't stand me, so here" he threw me what I thought was the same sword as earlier.

But it wasn't. It seemed like a brand new sword, I unsheathed it real quick, the black metal of the blade was shiny and clean, the complementary black handle was nicely detailed and in touched.

"It was one of the ol' captain's, he never used it, it was his least favorite, so ya can have it" he said then unsheathed his own sword.

"Now let's get you happy again" he said and right when he said that we began clashing with our swords.


Days later of pure practice with jack, and letting off steam as well as many arguments, we were reaching land.

Tortuga from what jack said, a place where any one can be themselves, pirate or not.

"there be a witch on tortuga... She can tell ya if you really are the new Mistress of the sea" Tybalt approached me from my position on the stairs. I looked up from polishing my sword.

"Thank you for that. But I'm quite nervous, what if I'm recognized , what if they find out who my father really is? They'd slaughter me, don't you think?" I asked him.

"Depends.. Ever kill' someone?" He asked , I shook my head, "not yet" I muttered.

"Then ye'll do fine" he said then walked away from me.

"Yeah.. Um... Don't mention your father"

I looked up, Jack Was walking towards me. "I don't want to" I said then sheathed my sword real quick.

"Good, don't" he said, I rolled my eyes and stood up, "I'm not!" I shouted.

"Alright, Alright" he threw his hands up in surrender. I  huffed then walked past him, shoulder checking him in the process. "Also, love, change of plans, ya stay on board when we get off"

I stopped dead in my tracks feeling my anger rising. I unsheathed my sword and turned around to him walking a few steps towards him while he backed up giving me a serious look.

"WHAT?!" I shouted at him, "You heard me!" He shouted back, "YOU FIRST KIDNAP ME AND NOW YOU THINK YOU FUCKING OWN ME WELL I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU, GO SCREW YOURSELF!" I shouted at him in pure anger. "Do you not understand..?" He sighed. "Understand what?!" I questioned.

"If you are the FUCKING SEA MISTRESS. And god forgive if you really are, You'll have EVERY GOD DAMN PIRATE IN THIS FUCKING PLANET HUNTING YOU DOWN TRYING TO RID YOU OF YOUR POSITION AND SEEK CONTROL OF THE SEA" he explained getting impatient with me.

"You'll be kidnapped! You'll be tortured until you give them what they bloody want! And just to own the fucking sea they'll rape you to have your child in which, taking your fucking power!" He shouted again.

I stayed quiet again and sheathed my sword, "And what?! You're going to protect me?!" I shouted. "I can for a while! No one will mess with ya because word is already out that I killed The Butcher Of The Sea" he said walking towards me now.

"And you must be very proud, cocky ass!" I spat , "At least he won't hurt anyone anymore!" He spay back, he was really close to me now, "get back" I shouted attempting to push him away but he caught my wrists.

"We protected each other as children, I'm only tryin' to get ya to like me at the least so ya won't get hurt or get yer'self into trouble!" he whisper shouted.

"You don't even want to remember that! You said it yourself already jack, it's the past so get over it. You didn't even remember me when you took me out of my father's quarters, you just wanted to reason. It's obvious! You just wanted to use me. But I'm not of much use anymore" I struggled against his grip.

"I promised you one thing didn't I?" He asked.

"Many things, actually!" I shouted.

"recite them all" he said, "I can't!" I said, "yes you can!" He shouted back still holding on to my wrists. "We already went through this! You promised to  come back and not leave me, but you did leave and so did I, so what?! You're trying to say you're here now?" I said looking him dead in the eye.

"I AM here now! And I promised you something else, Think!" He shook me then let go of my hands when I looked down.

"I promised you I'd never forget beauty like yours! I had promised I'd never forget YOUR beauty!"

I stopped struggling.

"I could have taken ANYONE on that ship but I took you because I saw someone and something beautiful like I had witnessed YEARS ago" he said.

"I'm flattered that you took the fucking girl other than grown men with weapons! You're just bullshitting me, you fucking-" I couldn't finish my argument because Jack had pulled me in.

Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Sea Mistress (Pirates'FF) {Dead Man Tell No Tale}Where stories live. Discover now