Ch. 13

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I rolled my eyes at Jack's jealous remarks , and looked at Manuel, he had a necklace made of shark teeth making me feel Uncomfortable. As I was touching it Manuel began to cough violently, black water laughing out of his lungs and out through his nose and mouth.

I jumped back startled holding my left hand over my heart, My right hand was then grabbed and i looked at who had grabbed it, Manuel was caressing the back of my hand with his thumb as he still coughed slightly and cleared his throat.

Jack walked away clearly angry, "th- thank you, M-Mari" he whispered, "it wasn't all me, love, it was her" I said nodding my head to the blonde shivering mermaid.

He smiled at her and she frowned, "I thought I almost killed him" she whispered, "he's okay, love" I said to her with a smile.

He looked around seeing all the men still on the ground or getting up, and the girls huddling together with little clothing covering their bare bodies.

"Woah" he simply said. Taking off his damp waist coat and shirt. Manuel then gave them to the girl, "give it to the ones who need it" she nodded and I helped him stand up, his hair was no longer in a bun on his head it was messily hanging by his elastic on his shoulder.

It made me laugh but I hugged him, "glad you're okay, now let's go" I said patting his bicep after parting from the hug.

I walked away having him follow behind me. "miss! You're partily naked!" He shouted taking off some rags that hung from his pants.

Jack turned around and grinned at Me, he offered me his hand and I took it slightly before i felt something wrap around my waist. Manuel had wrapped his arms around my waist tying his rags so it covers my front regional part and my rear, he covered it with his rags he tied together so I had my underskirt garment with a rag smaller skirt over that.

Jack didnt like that too well and unsheathed his sword, pointing it at him. From his point of view it might have looked like Manuel was touching me inappropriately.

"How dare ya touch her like that!" Jack shouted at Manuel, "Capn' I was only trying to cover her up, She can get cold!" He responded to jack, The girls seemed to have stayed by the shore because we were all walking into the forest that resided in this black island.

"From now on ya mustn't speak to her, don't touch her don't do anything at all that involves her, I will make ya walk the plank once we board the ship again or I'll damn ya to The Flying Dutchman! I gave ya this opportunity to be the pirate ya wanna be so don't screw up! This is captains orders!" Jack shouted at him, Causing us all to stop what we were doing.

Manuel looked at me sadly , "sure, ya can be affectionate with Marina over here but it will cost ya, make yer choice" jack said drawing the sword closer to manuel.

"Jack!" I shouted at him, he only glanced at me then looked back at Mauel.

Manuel looked down then walked around me, walking towards the rest of the crew.

I glared at jack, "he was not doing anything wrong to me!" I shouted at jack, shoving him. "I don't care. All I care is that yer safe, he ain't messing with ya and that ol' Jackie don't get too moody" he said sheathing his sword, beginning to walk.

"So finally the infamous Jack Sparrow is actually in love?" I heard Manuel shout from the front.

Jack glared harshily in the direction of the voice. "What a surprise! See you are not just a heartless bastard with no purpose!" I heard Manuel shout.

That's harsh.

I also glared in the direction of Mauel.

"Why don't ya come over here and say that to my face, bloody arse!" Jack said unsheathing his sword again.

Manuel came walking this way, unsheathing the sword of another crew member walking this way, about to clash swords with Jack but I got in between them, in between both of the points of their swords. Everyone gasped and I hears the mermaids begin to scream, sensing I was in danger.

"Marina... MOVE!" jack shouted, angry as hell.

"No, jack, we aren't here to be having a stand off we are here to collect the chest, now do that and quit playing games" I said lowering their swords with my palms.

"Marina this man is always hurting you, he's always picking fights, always getting you angry. You hate him!" Manuel shouted, lifting his sword again.

"How can I ever hate a man I once loved?!" I shouted at him, everyone was taken a back.

The mermaids soon approached us and began hissing at manuel for his sword was poking my abdomen.

"Once" I repeated eyeing everyone.

"Get a move on" I spat, smacking the sword to the ground.

I walked by everyone taking the lead, the map was but my mind, Manuel picked up the sword a few moments later and then Jack soon was at my side again.


Men shouted behind us I turned around seeing Manuel sprinting towards jack through the men, sword held above his head, he jumped on a stump and slashed down, jack was turned around by this point but I got in front of him, having my shoulder be sliced, I shouted in pain as I held my bare, sliced shoulder, the mermaids screeched and began getting ready to attack Manuel.

"IDIOT!" Men shouted behind him. Manuel breathed heavily as he saw what he had down, "oh no... Marina... I'm so sorry-" he was cut off by jack shouting at him. "SHUT YOUR FILTHY MOUTH!" jack ripped his sleeve and then unsheathed his sword again, going to attack Manuel.

"No, Jack!" I put my bloody hand up, everyone looked at me confused. "let the mermaids take care of it" I was breathing heavily. Manuel looked at me with pure shock and disappointment. The mermaids hissed loudly, their fangs popping out, giving them to not so beautiful sight to be seeing as they drag Manuels screaming self out the forest, dropping the sword in the process.

Jack grunted in pure anger and sheathed his sword again, taking his ripped sleeve, wrapping it over and around my wound. "Thanks Jack" I muttered, bitting back screams of pain. "No, thank ya love" he said glancing at me. His hands were shaking in pure anger. Once my wound was covered he walked deeper into the forest shouting nonsense in pure anger.

"Thats his way of releasin' all that angryness " Tybalt approached me. I grinned at him, I do that. "Are ye' OK , miss?" He asked. "just fine, Tybalt, let's just continue our search and have this Done with" I said still having my hand over my wound, walking in the direction Jack had walked in.

Jack stopped his angered shouted and was attempting to pull out his sword from a stone, god damn.

I walked towards him, putting my still bloody hand on his shoulder.

He jerked away and turned around, facing me, he was panting heavily and his eyeliner was running.

I glanced at him then at the sword, it was stabbed into a large stone. "were you that angry?" I asked him in a mutter. He didn't answer me back, I attempted to pull out the sword as well but my arm that had been sliced was weak. I shouted in pain and anger and hovered my hand over my bandage wound, My hand glowed gold as I tried to use my healing power on myself and it worked!

"Miss! This stone isn't stone!" Tybalt said touching the stone.

"It's juat dirt that was built up into a stone" he said swiping his hand on the "stone". having black sand fall from it.

The men got straight to destroying the the suspicious rock to get Jack's sword out and we end up finding more.

Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Sea Mistress (Pirates'FF) {Dead Man Tell No Tale}Where stories live. Discover now