[ 3 ] Chapter Three

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Seth's POV

"Sam!" I yelled, shaking the girl in my lap. "Sam, she's out!"

"Hold on," He replied, flooring the accelerator. I held on tight to the girl as we picked up speed. Sam took a hard right into the hospital parking lot, not stopping until they reached the Emergency center doors. Stopping to a screeching halt, Sam jump out of the truck, opening the back door for me. 

I gathered the girl in my arms, carefully sliding out of the truck. Sam and I rushed through the sliding doors, trying not to waste any time.

A nurse who happened to be walking by when we ran in was startled, dropping her clip board. She took a good look at the girl in my arms and something click and she was in action, calling for nurses and a doctor. One of the nurses around had grabbed a rolling bed, motioning for me to place her on it. The others carefully straightened her out, one nurse holding the red, bunched up t-shirt to continue to stanch the wound.  They quickly whisking her away to examine her further. 

Carlisle Cullen, the doctor that had responded to the call, hung back for a minute to speak with Sam. "What happened? Was it..."

"Yeah, I'm afraid so. My boys chased after him, but he disappeared before we even had a chance to trail him."

Carlisle sighed, taking off his glasses and wiping his forehead. "Let's just hope he didn't bite her."

"I don't think he did," I chimed in. "There weren't any marks on her neck, just the claw marks on her chest."

He nodded, placing his glasses back on his nose. "Alright. I have to go. I'll try to keep you updated as often as I can."

Sam nodded, watching Carlisle rush off to the back operating area where they had wheeled the girl.  I let out a breath, crossing my arms on my chest. Something deep inside me was reeling, telling me to go after that vampire bastard and just kill him right there. My mind was trying to figure my heart out. Why am I worrying over a girl I don't even know? I mean, she was cute and all, but I didn't have a clue of who she was.

Sam clasped a hand on my shoulder for reassurance. "Don't worry, I trust Carlisle. He'll take good care of her." I nodded, taking a seat in one of the extremely uncomfortable waiting room chairs. Sam wandered off down the hall with his cell phone, making sure he was far out of my earshot. 

I leaned back in the chair, closing my eyes in an attempt to shut everything out and just relax for a few moments. The night's events had caught up to me, my body sagging in the chair. My eyes felt heavy and tired, screaming at me to shut them and just sleep. I fought it off for a while, but soon I gave up and let the sleep engulf me.

~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~   ~   ~   ~    ~   ~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~   ~    ~ 

Sam was pacing the hall, talking to Charlie Swan, the Chief of Police for Forks trying to get information on the girl they had found.

"Is there a girl, mid teens with dark brown hair, who's on the missing persons list?"

"Not that I know of," There was a pause, the sound of papers being shuffled echoed through the earpiece. "The only missing person right now is a 40-year-old man."

"How about any recent articles in the paper?"

More shuffling. "Nope. I'm sorry Sam, I can't find anything on this girl you've found. I'll do some more digging and I'll get back to you as soon as I find something."

"Thanks Charlie," He clicked the 'end' button and stuffed the phone back in his pocket. Just then a woman in her mid-thirties walked by, doing a double-take at Sam. 

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