"What is wrong with you people?!" I screamed, shoving against the material walls around me.
I swear... If this is someone's sock...heads will roll.
The blare of the alarm was still raging on outside, only adding to the suffocating darkness of my impromptu prison.
Cramped. Dark. Trapped.
"It was cute the first couple of times!" No. This was bad. This is very, very bad. "But now the 'pick on Maddison' theme is starting to get old!"
Outside the bag... or whatever the Hell I was currently trapped in... my kidnapper remained silent, probably unable to hear me over the noise of the evacuating students.
Or, you know, they were just ignoring me.
"Damn it!" I slapped the fabric in frustration. "I know I hate going to class, but that doesn't mean I want to be abducted in the middle of one... Well, at least today I didn't!"
Kidnapping someone in the middle of their education... Who does that?
It was quickly becoming obvious to me that my puny fists had no effect against the complicated security measures they had put in place to keep me trapped here.
But I had prepared for this.
I unhooked my toothpick from my belt and shoved the pointy end of it into the material in front of me.
Did I have a plan in mind when I did this? Not really.
Did it do any damage. Nope.
Not to my prison anyway.
Just as I jabbed the pick forward, my prison jostled around me, shaking with the movements of the person carrying it... Downstairs?
I was knocked off balance, and I felt a sharp pain in my side as the other end of the toothpick decided to make a comeback.
Hissing a sharp swear, I raised a hand to the scratch, relieved not to feel any wetness.
I was guessing it was very shallow, but since it was too dark to actually see, I would have to take this as my only sign that I wasn't going to bleed to death.
After nearly impaling myself on a toothpick, I decided to leave the stabbing for when I could actually see.
Alas, my loyal sword, you must return from went you came.
Putting the toothpick away, I was finally left with nothing but the fact that there was no escape.
I felt my breath quicken.
I couldn't even make even a small hole for light to come through....
"Enough Maddison." I hissed to myself. "You are not afraid of enclosed spaces! Or the dark!"
True....but you are afraid of dark enclosed spaces.
"Shut up," I muttered, sliding down to sit.
This why I had insisted on Vain, not putting me in his pocket.
Even though he hadn't said anything at the time, we both knew it was because I hated being trapped in small dark places.
It wasn't a rational thing, my body just remembered the fear it felt when I was a child.
It wasn't scary. I knew it wouldn't be forever.
I just... Hated it.
Trying to ignore the sick feeling building up in my chest, I began to sing Christmas Carols under my breath.
Nothing can scare you while singing 'Jingle Bells'. It's a legitimate fact of life.
The Shrink Program
MizahMaddison Tramph makes terrible life choices and is shrunken as a result. To return to normal, she must reform her behaviour with the help of an estranged best friend. Resulting in even worse life choices.