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NEW STORY. Well, not new. I've been working on this for a while, but it's been tucked under my belt. I've got about five chapters in the story. The chapters are long and It's my attempt at writing to describe. I won't be uploading this story as regularly, but it will be added to the list of uploads on my profile page. 

Dedicated to a few people, my parents, for being there and awesome and making me. 

My friends, of which there are far to many to name, you know who you are, just know you’re all epic and I love you and you’ve inspired me to write and you know, be cool. 

DINOSAUR -- I will not get over that. 

My teachers, and my computer. I could not live without you baby. Even though I’m sure you will forever destroy my chances of getting a boyfriend, I forgive you because you can harness the magical power of the Internet. 




The water thrashed my body and made me tumble around helplessly. Darkened algae that stuck to the bottom of the lake grasped my foot and pulled me down, wrapping around my ankle with unnatural strength. 

It wasn’t normal. It wasn’t natural

Still, my mouth was clamped shut. My life flashed before my eyes, which were open but could seeing nothing but darkness while I was trapped in this watery tomb. I couldn’t breathe, no, if I breathed the water would rush into my lungs and I’d drown---No, I couldn’t breathe. There would be no breathing while I was in here. 

I thrust my hand out before me and the water rippled outwards, showing momentary sunshine. In seconds it rushed back and pushed me further down into the lake. I screamed.

Water rushed into my mouth before I could stop it and after it came the choking. I felt my throat being almost shut off with the lack of Oxygen. I was going to die. Now that I’d breathed it all in, I was going to die. 

My fingers clawed the water and I tried, one last desperate push of the air. Fueled with my anger, hate and desperation the water broke open, the algae released me and I flew through the air,  coughing and vomiting water before I hit the sand, I rolled and continued coughing my lungs up, water spilled onto the sand and it darkened. My blood pounded against my temples and I vomited water, until my throat felt ripped and burned. Rolling onto my back I stared at the sky, the darkened cloudy sky was stirring, like you stirred your soup. The clouds spiraled towards the centre of my vision, the darkness was stirred inwards and in it’s place took the real bright blue sky. Fluffy white clouds materialised in the corners of my vision, and when I glanced at the black, thick water that almost killed me. 

It wasn’t either, it was blue and transparent, no algae beneath the water, just a perfectly normal lake. 

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