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From the auditorium I pull Maddie all the way to an empty hallway. Thank god for the intermission. "Hey calm down you're going to rip my arm off." Maddie struggles as I drag her down the hallway. "Hey watch it you're going to rip the costume!" Maddie complains until I finally let go of her arm.

"Maddie I can't control myself right now. That was Tiffany and you know what she was wearing?" I ask unable to keep my cool. "A stunning rhinestoned ruby red costume." Maddie mocks me by mouthing what I say.

"I know. You said that in our seats then pulled me all the way here! Which may I remind you, nearly ripped my arm off!"

I let out a big breath attempting to collect my thoughts. "Look I'm really sorry." I apologize sincerely. "I just lost my cool, it came as a shock to me."

"Katie you're okay. But what are you talking about?" Maddie asks confused.

"You don't recognize that ruby red costume at all?"

"No, should I?"

"I mean no, not really. But that girl that went before me was wearing that ruby red costume me. She's the one you made me stop paying attention to. Tiffany is wearing that same costume. The girl before me was Tiffany." I explain putting my hands on the side of my head stressed out by the situation.

"Oh I see." Maddie realizes what's going on. "I just don't understand why you freaked out on me."

"Because did you see Tiffany dancing? She was really good! Like really good."

"I saw her dancing but you know what?"

"What?" I ask feeling defeated.

"You did really good too. Plus, you had an amazing routine, fabulous facials, perfect technique, the routine you did today was definitely your best foot forward. I think you've got this one in the bag."

I give Maddie a faint smile. "Thanks Mads."

"No problem. Anything for my unbiblical sister." Maddie hugs me.

"Alright we should get back in there. We don't want to miss the group routine." I sigh nervous to see how the routine will work out.

"You got that right." Maddie replies as we start walking down the hallway to get back into the audience area.


"This is All On Our Own, Abby Lee Dance Company!" The announcer says as Mackenzie and Brynn take the stage. Music starts playing through the speakers and more and more of the girls start entering onto the stage.

I watch, mentally going through the routine in my head making sure everyone's doing it right. Which much to my relief, so far everyone is. I bite my lip fiddling with my hands in my lap praying that the routine finishes without an issue. My heartbeat fastens and my eyes lock onto the stage as the girls dance across it. The routine looks beautiful and everything is going along perfect so far. They need to hit a perfect routine because it proves themselves to Abby.

When the routine finishes I'm able let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. I jump up to my feet with the rest of the crowd cheering loudly for the girls. While I wish I could've been up on the stage preforming with them, I couldn't be more proud.

ALDC Transformed 2 // Dance Moms FanficWhere stories live. Discover now