Thirty Four

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"I can't believe someone got all that on video!" I freak out watching the video that was taken of Maddie, Liv, Tiffany, and I at In-N-Out earlier.

"Me either, I didn't even notice." Maddie scrolls through her feed finding the video posted everywhere.

"What do we do?" Frantically I scroll through my own phone unable to escape the video.

"Katie calm down! Nothing bad was in the video it's just going to make Tiffany and Liv look bad."

"People can twist things around though!"

"Katie we said nothing wrong! We're okay." Maddie tries to slow my roll. "Can we please just go to sleep and in the morning we'll just play things by ear."

"I guess. But the video isn't just going to disappear over night."

"It doesn't need to Katie. This is karma for Liv and Tiffany. The things they were saying were bad we did nothing wrong. If anything people will probably see them as the ones in the wrong."

I listen to Maddie then stay silent and then stay silent as I read one of the captions on one of the videos that was posted. Omg this video just leaked what do you guys think about it... I think it's kind of fishy and what the heck are Maddie and Katie doing in LA fighting? I'm so confused. I read then look back to Maddie.

"Whatever I'm going to sleep we have to be on set tomorrow." I put my phone on my nightstand and then burry my face in my pillow.

Maddie mumbles, "Well goodnight then." She says and I hear her shuffling then it's silent once again.


My phone rages. A fumble for the alarm and it turns silent once again. However this time Maddie and I are now awake. There's a struggle to get out of bed practically having to tear myself away from the sheets. Maddie claims my the shower in the bathroom that connects to my room so I head down the hallway and enter the other bathroom.

The warm shower water beads down my face as I stand only with thoughts whirling around my head. What are people going to think of that stupid video? Will it be my first real "scandal" in the fandom. I hate drama. Why do I push myself into situations like these? Dance Moms has pushed me so far yet it's so tiring. It hard to keep going day in and day out.

However without Dance Moms I would never have half the things I do now. There'd be no way I'd be getting ready to head into set for a Sia music video, now that's for sure. I wonder how long I'll be doing this. How long I'll last on Dance Moms. Just a taste of this video drama alongside all the other things going on the spotlight doesn't look as great as it used to. I'm not saying I don't want to chase after my dreams and pursue them. I'm just saying that fame doesn't seem to be all sunshine and rainbows like it's played up to be. There's drama that the fans cause, people take things completely out of context, heck people even find drama out of what Snapchat filter I have on.

After taking my shower I put on a plain yellow t-shirt and a pair of plain black shorts and call it good. I've somehow succeeded at not checking my social medias all morning however my curiosity is trying to get the better of me.

Once both Maddie and I are ready to leave we grab everything Lilly's mom Stacey comes and picks us up to bring us to set.

"Good morning girls, long time no see." Stacey laughs as we get in her car.

"Morning." We reply.

"I know, it's only been like two weeks but it seems like forever." I bounce off of what Stacey said earlier.

ALDC Transformed 2 // Dance Moms FanficWhere stories live. Discover now