This Isn't Goodbye

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(Here's some nostalgia that picture up there was the very first book cover for the original ALDC Transformed... so crazy)

Now before anyone freaks out, no I'm not leaving Wattpad — but I do have a note and it would mean the world to me if you read this. This note will also include VERY IMPORTANT information about the future of the ALDC Transformed Series.

The ALDC Transformed series has been such a big part of my life for the past two years. Not even just the series but Wattpad in general.

Wattpad has been my escape. Where I turned to take my mind off things and surround myself in such a positive community where I feel accepted with a sense of belonging. When I first joined Wattpad I had no clue what I was doing. I was simply writing a story about a girl who got the unreal opportunity to be on Dance Moms.

Wattpad and writing this story has been like an escape from reality. I had no clue other people could even read my story when I first started, but suddenly a bunch of people were... literally out of nowhere! That was so crazy to me because I didn't expect anything. I was just writing because I thought it was cool. The support I received was huge and suddenly there were so many people keeping up with my updates and I have always been so confused by that. Personally I know I have so much to learn about writing and the fact that people are still reading what I have to say is just mind blowing.

There has been so many people along this journey that have become my friends that I can joke around and have genuine conversations with. I love this community so much. To anyone who has ever left a comment or anything on my books thank you so much and I have so much love going to you. I can't count the amount of times a comment has made me laugh or put a smile on my face.

Now I need to talk about something I hate talking about and has been one of the sole reasons I have held myself back from posting this explanation...

Dance Moms has become a very toxic scene. Unfortunately I have almost completely distanced myself from the fandom in its entirety. I haven't seen for example what Kendall, Mackenzie, or any of the other girls have been up to in MONTHS. This is for so many reasons. One, I'm getting older and these things no longer interest me like they used to. Two, my beliefs compared to some of the girl's have significantly changed and I don't agree with all things that they are doing. (Still love all of them and believe they should live their lives the way they want but, it just doesn't relate anymore). Three, Dance Moms is dead? We don't know but it seems like that more and more everyday. I love Dance Moms but it's just distancing from me which makes it harder and harder for me to write this series. I remember being able to pump out three chapters a day because it came so easily and now things have changed so much.

So if all this isn't a goodbye, what is it?

This is not goodbye to Wattpad.

This is not goodbye to ALDC Transformed.

Then what's going on?

This is me handing my ALDC Transformed series off to you. While I myself will not continue writing the series (Because I feel it would be unfair to you) I'm sending this over to you to do as you please with it. Pick off right where this book stops and create your own ending to the book. Take it where you wish. Start writing. If you so badly want the book finish write the ending yourself. Or don't even make it an ending make it a "continued".

If you so choose to accept this challenge to continue on the book. Have "ALDC Transformed 3" in the title of your book and I will have a designated location on my home page where I will feature all of the 'continued' books from where mine left off.

Please if you wish to do this...
Do what you wish with the characters
Do what you wish with the plot
Have as much fun as I have had writing this series
And please... ALDC Transformed has been like my writing baby for the past two years, so take care of it

Even if you do not wish to continue on writing this book feel free to visit my profile where I will have a featured reading list titled, "ALDC Transformed 3 ~ Your Take" to get yourself closure or just more of an adventure from the series go ahead and read some of  how other people ended or continued this book.

;;No I will not tell you the drama and plot twists I planned to explode in your faces no matter how much I want to;;

I love and appreciate each and every one of you more than you'll ever know. I do plan to continue writing on Wattpad even if it is not this ALDC Transformed series. I cannot wait to see what some people decide to do with the continued re-write.

So as always, for the last time with this ALDC Transformed series... (I'm not crying you are!)

Love you guys! 😘
- xoxo Taylor

ALDC Transformed 2 // Dance Moms FanficWhere stories live. Discover now