He Is Waiting

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AN : I'm back :D Baybay~! Probably should be studying but- Oh well!
IMPORTANT : I dunno how much longer this fic will last Don't get me wrong! I love this fic but I don't wanna drag it out and lose the plot ya kno. I don't have a set number of chapters but this is the turning point guys gals and nonbinary pals (*snap*ayyyee) So please be prepared for the upcoming finale in a few chapters.

Does anyone even read this?......notice me senpai & ENJOY~!


Beads of sweat glide down a pale temple and into matted tufts of raven hair.

Ebony sheets wrinkled and creased from the writhing form atop them.

Strong brows scrunch up as a chest heaves with harsh breaths.

With hesitance I gently tug damp and tangled fringe away from his eyes.

He groans at the suffocating heat and lazily tugs at the constricting cloth covering him.

I shush him and throw the offending cover to the floor, pressing closer.

I pick up the hand towel and soak it in the small basin of cool water at my side. Wringing out the excess water I wipe away the cooling sweat from his feverish skin before laying it on his forehead. I sit back in the desk chair with a sigh.

Logan had helped me essentially strip Anxiety of his dark jeans and baggy jacket before leaving to settle down everyone else. I had tucked him in since he was shivering from the lingering effects of harsh reality neutralizing the dream residue- and it was kinda awkward having him half naked and asleep; but I've been on and off taking them off and putting them back on when he gets uncomfortable.

I remember how Anxiety and Logan told me that I was in exactly the same state when I was affected by dream residue. Except I had woken up after a few hours...Anxiety has been asleep for three days.

I'd be lying if I said it didn't worry me a lot. I'd be lying if I said it didn't worry me to the point that I've been sitting here and only here for the past three days...I'd be lying if I said I'm not scared.

Logan says that Anxiety's infection was closer to his emotion core so it affected him worse and this extra sleep should be expected, but that still doesn't quell my anxiety.

Ha. Anxiety over Anxiety.

I would giggle over that irony but I can't bring myself to while his face is so pale and he's still shaking so much at times.

When he whimpers is the worst for me. It means he's hurting but I can't ask him what and even then how would I help with dream residue infection. We barely have any experience dealing with it.

All I've been able to do that does help him calm down is the cold towel treatments, the shushing and or soft humming of Disney tunes, and when I see his fingers clawing at the sheets in pain I'll gently pull his grip away and hold his clammy hand in mine.

I don't remember much about my dream residue slumber but I do remember dreaming- or perhaps it was remembering- the first time Anxiety had full on guffawed in my presence. Before that time I had seen hints of a small smile, little polite giggles, or snarky laughs at people's (Especially Thomas') misery, but the memory of seeing him share a full blown laugh with me still warms up my heart even now.

I remember waking up with those uncomfortable eye crusties and a dry mouth, but also Anxiety sitting at my bed side. Head resting on the arm of the hand that was holding mine, Rain cuddled up to his face and buzzing in their sleep.

I felt so safe and calm seeing him first thing when I awoke. Not even remembering what had happened until Logan came and reminded me, awaking Anxiety in the process.

He had shooed Anxiety back to his respective room to get some proper sleep. But once Thomas was asleep and all the others were as well, Anxiety snuck back to my room with a flashlight and made hand shadows with me until we both fell asleep.

I hear a snuffle and look down at my shoes. Rain is rubbing against my pant leg, begging permission to sit on the bed. I nod at them and Rain slowly rises his misty form, condensing himself at Anxiety's feet. I pat their top side and Rain just shuffles closer to Anxiety's toes.

I don't know what to say to Rain.

I hear the click of the door opening and look towards Logan.

He walks towards me and sits on the edge of Anxiety's bed,"We are going to have to tell Thomas." Logan meets my eyes as he tells me this.

"Just a few more days."

"It has been three and at this rate Thomas will find out that something is amiss."

"He's too busy being friendly with Avery. Thomas doesn't notice anything except them."

"Thomas will figure out that his developing friendship is happening so easily due to his lack of anxiety."

"He hasn't figured it out yet. Why is he suddenly going to figure it out any second."

Logan sighs and looks towards Anxiety's form.

I remember when I was affected by the dream residue. Logan said he told Thomas what had happened right away and Thomas struggled going to sleep for days. He would start nodding off and catch himself before beginning to sob. He was scared his dreams would harm us.

"Roman, Thomas is a child no longer. He understands, much like we do, that dreams do not actively seek us out to harm us."

"...That still doesn't change the fact that he'll get sad."

"It still does not change the fact that Anxiety is in obvious pain." my fists clench as he states this,"And Thomas should be informed of what occurred."

"Why tell him when he can't do anything about it?"

Logan sighs through his nose,"It's his mind, Roman-"

"If you tell him he'll just start to worry and it'll cause Anxiety more pain!"

"Roman, there are places in the mind only Thomas has access to. One of these might help-"

"You really think the places littered with adult human trouble will help?!"

"Roman! Stop being so inconsiderate and childis-"

"Inconsiderate?! INCONSIDERATE?! What type of smoke from Absolem's hookah is clouding your-"

Just then a loud suffering moan breaks my sentence. I rush to Anxiety, ignoring how my chair toppled to the floor, and place my cold palms on his temples and forehead shushing him. Logan picks up the hand towel from where it fell on the floor and soaks it before handing it to me. I hurriedly but delicately dab away the sweat as I hum 'When She Loved Me', and rearrange his pillows so that he is more comfortable.

"We need to tell Thomas." Logan insists once again.

"...Alright." I give into his request and he leaves me once again with someone I can't rescue.

I place the towel back onto Anxiety's forehead and right my chair before sitting back down.

I sit in silence watching the shuddering rise and fall of Anxiety's breaths. I see him shuffle but ignore it. That is until I swear I see his eyes squint open.

Anxiety turns his head towards me and I see it clear as the river bend. His eyes are open to me, looking straight at me.


"Roman." Is uttered from a dry throat.

"Y-yeah." I gain a lump in my throat and my eyes water up,"I-it's me."

The walls and frame of the bed suddenly quake as the loudest boom of thunder I have ever heard is emitted from Rain's tiny body.

Both Anxiety and I wince grasping at our ears in pain as Rain slobbers Anxiety's face with rain drops.

"Good to see you too, Rain." Anxiety grimaces but caresses the ball of condensed fluff with a fond hand.

When The Prince Met Anxiety (Prince x Anxiety)Where stories live. Discover now