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Looking into that mirror it had startled her but she knew this was where she belonged, the fight was now only days away Bella was taken to Florida to see her mother Renee and stepfather Phil with Charlie her biological father. We had hoped now she would be safe until Edward would be able to go get her after these days. We had only found out a short time ago that Bella and Edward were getting married after the fight with Victoria and the newborn army that I had been out for, it was finally decided now that she was graduated it was now time to seal the deal with all whole marry me, Change me thing. I felt arms around my waist I knew they had been Mr.Whitlock himself I tilted my head to look at him his smile shining down at me, we had finally been the same temperature for once he spun me around placing his other hand on my cheek, my hand came up to rest on his as he lightly kissed my lips wondering what he was going to say to me.

I love you, Mrs.Whitlock he spoke softly,

I love you Whitlock I smiled up at him,

Would you like to see her? he asked softly,

Rosabella? my eyes lit up,

Yes darling he chuckled,

Well isnt that a stupid question to ask a mother? I smiled,

Yes he kissed my cheek,

We both had headed downstairs Bella had been holding her at this point, I smiled walking up closer to her chuckling to myself it made me feel better that she had survived I gave my life to grow and birth her, but to see her smile and laugh as Bella held her made me feel confident that my daughter was coming into a great family. She smiled as she turned to me looking down at Rosabella she fixed the blanket before handing her to me, I could feel the warmth she spread I never thought Id feel warmth again but my daughter sitting in my arms was alive and breathing. As I looked down I saw pitch black hair and blue-violet eyes she was absolutely gorgeous and with the pale skin to match, I smiled down at her as I kissed her tiny hand that had been reaching for my face she was so cute Jasper lead me to the big chair so I could sit while I held her but he smiled pulling out my cigarettes before taking her with a grin on his face I looked at him oddly.

Have one Ill hold her he smiled,

Here dear Esme smiled bringing me deer blood in a cup and an ashtray,

Thank you Esme I hugged her lightly,

Anytime she chuckled as I lit my smoke,

Where does she sleep? I asked looking around,

In anyones arms or upstairs in the crib with one of your sweaters smiled Rosalie,

Thats great I smiled ashing the cigarette,

She sleeps like you smirked Jasper with a chuckle,

I yawned lightly as Carlisle smiled nodding towards me knowing it was normal as my change hadnt fully set in yet, Jasper waved me over as I got up walking to the couch as he stood up taking my hand as he lead me upstairs, I yawned more as he handed me some shorts and a sports bra as I got changed he had taken his shirt off. He smiled as he got my to lay down and be comfortable as he turned the television on something I liked, before pulling the crib over and set Rosabella inside as he chuckled looking at me Emmett had came in, after I laid down and got the blanket up on most of my body he attached the crib to the bed Jasper wrapped his arm around me pulling me close to make me colder.

Shut your eyes and rest darling he kissed my head,

I nodded slowly yawning more trying to keep my eyes on the television, but my eyes had kept drifting to the crib where my daughter was now asleep soundly I couldnt keep my eyes off of her, she was the best thing that happened to me other than Jasper himself I wasnt exactly sure how my life became this great. I felt the darkness beginning to take over I was ready for this life even though I hadnt been able to sleep like usual shutting my eyes and listening to every noise that came my way made me realize I was born to be a vampire.

Jazz? I asked silently,

Yes darling? he smiled looking down at me,

This thing with the Volturi isnt going to be an easy thing is it? I opened my eyes looking upwards,

Not with Rosabella now but all of us would protect her, he said warmly,

I wont let anyone of them die for her I sat up,

Well you're not going anywhere Lily, he said quite sternly,

Ive almost died for her once and I will do it again Jasper I smiled,

Always have to be so stubborn love? he chuckled,

Of course I got up,

I headed over to the big black chair we had sitting in the corner of the room, opening up the window I pulled the ashtray close to me before lighting my cigarette. Even though I was now a vampire this habit seemed to be different almost as if it was the very first time I had a cigarette, I was glad things in my life were finally starting to work out the way I had hoped long ago but even if I was to die in this fight I knew if anything I would make sure Aro perishes alongside myself, my daughter deserves more than to live a life under rule by the Volturi I have no wishes for her to live a life like that. I yawned lightly as Jasper walked over to my side rubbing my shoulder before kissing my head, he knew exactly what I wanted in this life and more than anything it was for my daughter to have a wonderful breathtaking life worry free of the Volturi.

Its going to be okay he whispered quietly,

I know I sighed slightly,

Before I knew it morning was here everyone had been getting ready for the last training session before the fight, well I should say more of an encounter we hoped it wouldnt come down to a fight but we had a funny feeling something was going to happen. Rosabella had been growing very quick by this point she loved hunting with Jasper but also loved Esmes cooking it was fun to see which she would rather have for her breakfast lunch and dinner every day, I smiled as I had gotten dressed tan boots in a 3 inch heel grey jeans, a black lace shirt with a tan leather jacket I smiled as I headed downstairs smiling at Rosabella as she sat beside Edward as he played the piano.

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