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"Evil will prosper if good men and women stand by and do nothing"

This is a quote I always Remembered. I always try my best to be a good person. It's my highest virtue. I make mistakes I mess up a lot of times but that doesn't mean I don't always try my best and that I'm not a good person. The Doctor has always tried to do his best. My dad. He's not perfect any confuse his mistakes for his ignorance but we are never ignorant of our mistakes we save so much. We as Timelords and as a family we are reminded of our mistakes over and over. We save lives. Planets. We fight the monsters that no one else does, that no one else can. We see the dangers and everything that no one else sees and experience. We protect everyone from it. We fight the hardest battles that anyone will ever see or know about. We feel the most pain that any one person should experience.

Death of loved ones, death of whole planets... over and over. Planets destroyed or controlled by evil people, people being forced and manipulated to hurt themselves or others, abuse of someone sexually, children and babies being used as an experiment to the enemies, innocent lives being hurt. We as Timelords being so close to loosing everything once again. Our lives and families our future hanging by a string... being experimented on... so many times, never being able to tell others of us because humans are either a threat wanting to experiment on us or kill us;never being able to show our true selves or be comforted or seen by all that we do. After all we're obviously "not real" to some people. But I assure you we are real. We are here. We've seen so much we've lived so long been through so much. But we've still continued on because we have to. We have to keep fighting we have to keep running. Keeping stopping those evil people. It's very true that if we weren't here they would take over.. they would win and everyone would suffer. We suffer so humans don't. We know what it's like to loose people to see our planet on the brink of destruction. We found earth. We vowed to protect it. It's our home now until we can go home. And it's in danger. It's danger.

oh these dark days shine upon us like that dark eclipse up above waiting to swallow us all. Our hope like that distant star. And the walls start crumbling around us. And we look at it and see. "Haven't we been here before?"

We go on never asking for thanks. Being unnoticed because even if we try our hardest we can't change people. There will always be those who won't believe us. Or if they do they see us for our mistakes and don't see all that we try to do. And no it's not easy it's not at all easy to be us. I've seen people roleplaying. Pretending to be us. I appreciate it. I've even pretended to be a role-player just to see how it would feel to have adventures without the real danger. Without the real grief and hurt that comes with what we do. The regrets ,the heart stopping moments ,the threat of always loosing it all. I pretended. I looked at it from that angle and it was fun but it's not realistic always. Who we really are. What we really do. It gets unnoticed. Life isn't all joy and fun and without pain and suffering, it's full of it. Because of sin in the universe.

I've seen the role-players. I keep an eye on human kind. I'm a protector but I've also noticed how humans treat aliens, how they don't appreciate it. I've been confronted so many times by people who think were fake. Or they only look at our mistakes we're good people we just make mistakes we're people just like any of you. We have feelings. We are real. So misunderstood lots of us that are seen that way. And more so that anyone in the universe than my dad and our family. For us to face the worst trials the worst any of you will ever ever see. We get nothing in return, we do it. We suffer so you all can be safe. We fight the battles and the terrors and the nightmares that none of you will see. We fight the monsters.

Don't get me wrong I love humanity. I'm a servant for them. Gods servant to love and protect and be there for them. I do it because there's no one else. I'm brave I face all that fire and bear through it. Fighting the evils, and saving people. It's who I am. It's what I do like my dad. Like our family.

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