Unexpected Behavior

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A/N : I've decided that most of this story will be May's POV unless I tell you guys it's someone else POV~


During classes Karry would steal a glance at Alice. While me, find this behavior of Karry is rare.

Welp, no need to worry about that. I need to focus on class if I want to beat that smart narcissistic prince. 

But, I would find my eyes keep glancing at Karry while his on Alice's.


Yes! Break time! Finally I can eat my sushi~

I grab my lunchbox and my water bottle then turn my head to Karry's table.

I saw the girls already surrounding him.

Somehow, I felt jealous.

Some of them are asking for his number, some just want to be close to him, and I'm hearing some of the girls are speaking in a cutesy tone that makes me want to puke.


No need to be jealous on them.

Then Karry saw me through the crowd of girls. And he uses that familiar puppy eyes.

Meh, that won't work on me anymore.

I turn my body to leave. Then, I'm starting to feel guilty by leaving him with that bunch of girls.

One step, 

I can feel his eyes on my back.

Two steps,

I start to think, 

he looks uncomfortable. 

What if the girls annoy him for the entire breaktime and that means he will be unable to eat. And if he didn't eat, he will be hungry until it's time to go home.

Three steps,

Why do I care anyway? 

But my little heart tells me to turn back and save him from that crowd.

Sigh, that's it.

I turn around and go to where he is.

When I'm getting near to his table, I realize that I don't know how or what to say to take Karry away.

Whatever,  just get to the point.

"Ahem, excuse me!" The girls stopped trying to get Karry's attention and now their eyes and Karry's are on me.

"Let's eat." 

I said it. I regret it. 

Suddenly I feel some imaginary daggers was being thrown at me.

Karry didn't seem to noticed it, instead His eyes lit up.

"Of course, let's go!" he quickly gets up from his seat.

"Thank you, May. I thought I will be spending my precious breaktime just to hear their annoying voices," he looks relieved. That's good.

"And their perfume smelled horrible!" He added.

Pfft, I know

"Your welcome and thank you you just waste 3 minutes of my breaktime. Buy me a fresh lemon tea," I demand. 

He gives me a WTF looks. Got him.

"Heh, just kidding," And we both laughed.

I forget about his stare at Alice for a while.


Scanning for an empty seat....

"Ah! May, let's eat there!" He drags me to a table. 

Roy and Jackson already seated there.

"Hey, Karry. Oh hi May," said Roy.

"Hi," I simply smiled at them

Jackson raised his head to see me then continue to eat.

I see some girls are looking at our direction. Well, who wouldn't? the three heartthrobs are seating in one table and I am eating with them.

I can feel some jealousy and angry glances from those girls, but who cares?

I only care about my sushi right now~

I opened my lunchbox and eat my yummy sushi.

While the boys are talking I spotted confused looking Alice.

She hasn't make any friends beside me maybe. 

"Alice!" I waved my hand many times until she finally looks at me and mouthed a 'hey'.

I can feel Karry's head raised to see her. I can imagine how his face looks like now, it's maybe the same one just like in the class.  Roy and Jackson raised their heads too out of curiosity.

She looks relieved for a second and walking towards our table. But then, her face turns into a surprised one.

I'm free from exams😁😁😁
That's why I think I will make a book that full of tfboys memes 😂😂
Ok bye~~~~

Unexpected ┃王俊凯 [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now