Unexpected Plans

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"I. Can't. Take. This. Anymore!" Roy whined.

"Bear with it, Roy," Alice answered weakly, her eyes seems blank, then she continued murmuring some equation.

"Ssshh! Why isn't this right?" I  said frustratingly, tapping my pen into the desk multiple times. I got stuck in this number.

My cool brother just silently study at the corner with his favorite rilakkuma in his embrace.

While Karry, being perfect as he is, seems like enjoying his studies with his headphone on.

Well, mid-semester exams are starting next week and we decided to study together at my-I mean mine and Jackson's house. I didn't know that this plan don't really turns into a great idea. Our study room now is filled with 4 frustrated students and maybe 5 if Karry actually hides frustration.

Ugh, I have to ask someone to solve this number.

I look to Roy, but he looks struggling too. 

Alice then? I look to Alice but she shakes her head like she know what I will say before I ask her.

Jackson? I'm sure he can help me. I look to the corner where Jackson is. I want to ask him, but my body didn't move. He has that poker face on that scares the hell out of me.

Should I ask Karry? 

"Hey, you should divide it instead of multiple it here," 

"Huh?" I turned only to meet Karry's face close to mine.

My breath hitched and I shifted a bit far away.

"Understand?" he asks.

"Uh," I slightly nodded and looked back at my workbook and do what Karry told. And I find the answer. I tapped him lightly and when he turns I thanked him. He just replies with a little smile then we both continue our study.

The next moment was filled with pen tapping, murmurs or the sound of Roy banging his head on the table. 

Good thing Mom brings us some snacks and lemon tea. So, we take a little break.

We exchange complaints and everyone agreed that this time there are too much things to memorize.

"I hope this will end fast," Karry said while sipping his lemon tea.

"After this ends I can continue my games," Roy confesses his wish.

"I want to continue watching some dramas," Alice said.

"There is a week holiday after exams right? I just want to rest," finally Jackson opened his mouth.

An idea got into my tired brain.

"How about we spend the holiday together? Let's go camping or go somewhere together!" 

"Camping will be to tiring, May," Alice said.

"Maybe we can go to my family villa? It's not quite far from here, but it's not in the city and we can refresh our mind in there." she suggested.

"That's a good idea!" Karry said hurriedly and almost choked by his lemon tea.

I guess he is happy because he will spend time with Alice. Well, there will be some chances for me to help Karry and Alice.

Everyone agreed to this plan and we almost forget about the horrific exams that are waiting for us.

Time skip to the day when mid-semester exams end

"FREEDOM!!" Roy screams.

Luckily the cafeteria is loud enough and Roy's voice didn't heard too loud. If not, I will show my great acting skill to pretend not knowing him.

Just kidding.

We celebrate our hard works today in the cafeteria with Karry treating us because he got the best score among us. My score as always is the second best and Jackson's is slightly lower than mine. And Roy and Alice surprisingly have the same amount of the scores. It feels so great to celebrate it together.

"Don't forget about our plan, ok? tomorrow I will pick you guys up," said Alice.

"How about Roy?" I asked. My and Jackson's house and Karry's house are close but Roy isn't.

"That's why he sleepover at my house today," said Karry.

"Wow, that will be much easier for Alice then," Jackson added.

A hint of pink can be seen on Alice's cheeks.

I hope this holiday can be a meaningful one to us.

Little did May know that there will be many things that will happen.

Unexpected ┃王俊凯 [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now