Chapter 34

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ive noticed that many of you readers dont like the fact that ricky is abusive in this fanfiction, but it IS fiction, & i do know that ricky will never be abusive. This is also MY story, so please stop whining about how you dont like how I made ricky in this.

ALSO, I will be changing the title of my fanfiction. If any of you have suggestions, feel free to comment them (: There also will be a sequel to this! EEEEPP I KNOW. I just feel like this is being dragged on a little too far. so keep your eyes peeled for the sequel (:


We play one game of volleyball, Kians team taking the win. I have to admit, I was having fun. I wonder what Jc was doing. Did he already pick up Ricky?

"Courtney, your serve." Jarrod tosses me the ball. I take my position, successfully serving it over the net. One of the guys bump up the ball, resulting in another guy jumping up, spiking it. It digs into the sand.

Jarrod rolls his eyes. "Youve got this." He whispers to me. I nod slightly. I serve the ball, making it over the net & in Kians direction. He runs up to volley it, but Andrea cuts in front of him & hits it back over. I smile. Andrea was gorgeous, making me look like trash. Lindsay hits the ball over the net, and it goes back and fourth until Kian hits the winning shot. He howls in triumph, wrapping his arms around Andrea.

I envied their relationship more than anything at that moment.

"Next time." Jarrod says, walking over to me. I smile, not really caring that we lost twice. "Did you have fun?" He asks.

Did I?

"Yeah. I did."

"Youre good at serving."

I laugh at his unusual compliment.

"Thanks." I say.

Tylea walks up to me, a smile on her face. "You did good!" She says, giggling. I hit her on the arm playfully. "What are you gonna do now?" I ask. I just want to go home. I want to see Jc & bury my head in his shoulder.

"Home, I guess. What about you? Gonna see Jc?" She nudges me when she mentions him. I roll my eyes playfully. "I hope so. I should call him." I take out my phone and dial his number. It rings 4 times before he answers it. "Hey." He breathes.

I smile at the sound of his voice. "Hey baby." His end was uncomfortably silent.

"Is everything okay?" I ask, worry taking over. I swear to god if Ricky hurt him..

"Yeah, why wouldnt everything be okay?" He sounded like he just ran a mile. "Dont lie to me, Jc. Is everything okay?"

I waited what felt like forever for him to respond.

"Yes, Courtney. Everythings fine. Do you need me to pick you up?"

"Yes, please. Just pick me up at the parking lot."

We say our goodbyes before hanging up. I was worried, frustrated, confused. "He's on his way, but hey, I'll call you sometime so we culd hang out!" I missed Tylea. Shes the only person I could trust around here. Shes pretty much my only friend.

We hug goodbye before I start towards the parking lot. "Hey Court." Greets Acacia. Shes wearing tights that were cut in slits right below her underwear, a gray pocket tee hanging from her skinny body. I had to hold back the gag that mustered inside. "Why are you here?" I sneered.

I hate seeing her because I know she's only around to do one thing: ruin my life.

She shrugs her shoulders, her thin lips pursed. "Just dropping by." She walks up to me, her arm drapped over my shoulder. I flinch at her touch. Please, Jc, hurry.

"C'mon Courtney. We can be friends if you just give me the chance."

I push her away from me at her words. "Give you a chance?! I tried giving you a chance! But what did you do? Try & take away the ONE thing that means the world to me just because it wasnt what you wanted!" I was angry. I wanted to push her down onto the gravel & punch her in the skinny face of hers. But im the bigger person in this situation.

She laughs - more like cackles -, throwing her head back. "You think its because Im jealous? He doesnt want you, Courtney. Youre too naive to notice it! I guess your brother knocked the common sense out of you."


"What the fuck did you just say?!" I was shouting a her, the people who were down at the beach beginning to gather around us.

"You heard me. I know Ricky beats you! I know he beat Jc. I know both of you are deathly afraid of him!"

Before I could stop myself, I jump onto her, slamming her fragile body onto the pavement. I didnt care if people were watching. I could get arrested, & I woulnt give a shit. I just wanted hr to leave me alone. Screw being the bigger person. I began punching her, pulling at her hair, anything.

"Courtney!" It was Jc.

I felt his arms wrap around my waist, hoisting me off of her battered body. Her lip was busted open, her eye turning a deep purple. "What are you doing?!" He yells. He was holding onto my shoulders firmly, shaing me back & fourth. "Talk to me! What are you doing?" I blink, a tear running down my face. I push him off of me.

"Im tired of this! Of all of this! I cant fucking stand it anymore, Jc. Dont you see that she's practically out to get me? No, ofcourse you dont! Youre too wrapped up in your fucking Youtube shit & your goddamn friends that you dont even realize how much of a bitch she is!"

It felt good to say that. It felt really good.

He looked taken aback, his eyes wide & his mouth slightly open.

"I- Im done, Jc. Im fucking done. Im moving back to Hawaii."

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