◈ Chapter 1 ◈

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"Ugh, it's so fucking hot!" Eren complained as he stopped to lean against a tree, his other friends passing by him without so much as a glance in his direction. 

Up ahead Mikasa rolled her eyes as she looked over her shoulder at her brother. "Eren we've only been walking for 10 minutes." 

"And 10 minutes is so long!! Jean baby-- carry me!" 

Jean sighed as he passed a sweaty, complaining Eren. Mikasa and the others were already ahead and it wouldn't be long until they reached their spot. They had arrived not even 30 minutes ago and Eren was already whining about the heat. 

"Eren, I think you can make it there on your own. Not my fault you're so damn lazy." Jean deadpanned as he adjusted his backpack on his shoulder and continued his trek, ignoring his gaping boyfriend. 

Eren glared at Jean's back, hoping he could feel the hatred burning into the back of his skull. "Fuck you, horse-face! You can fuck your hand tonight, cause I'm not giving you shit!! Asshole!" He yelled angrily. God, why were everyone such dick's today? And why is it so fucking hot?! It's like the sun's trying to burn him alive. He could literally feel his insides boiling. God, he was so fucking taking a nap when they got to their camp.

He huffed and pushed himself off the tree, trudging behind Jean with a pout and crossed arms. It was a good thing Mikasa reminded him that it would be like 2000 degrees because he couldn't imagine wearing so much clothing in this heat. He wore small jean shorts with a forest green spaghetti strap that revealed his belly button and a pair of black shoes. He still couldn't understand why he couldn't come naked but Mikasa had shook her head at him when he asked. 

Just as he arrived at their campsite, everyone was already setting up the tents and fixing everything in place. Krista and Ymir were setting up their own tents, Marco and Armin doing the same while Mikasa and Annie were trying to start the fire. Bertholdt and Reiner were setting up their own tent too while Connie and Sasha were digging through the cooler and goofing off like usual. 

And they say I'm the lazy one, Eren rolled his eyes.

Of course no one would be guarding the cooler. All of their food would be gone by the time Mikasa and Annie started the fire. Connie and Sasha might as well be thing 1 and 2 because that's exactly what they were. Like fucking twin tornados or something.

 Eren groaned and looked around for Jean.  He spotted him a few feet away from Krista and Ymir, setting up the tent him and Eren would be staying in. It was blue and a pretty big tent and very expensive. Eren had scolded him at the store for wasting so much money on a piece of crap they were going to ruin anyways.

Eren had lot's of kinks.

"Jean! I'm going for a swim, you coming with?" Eren asked, batting his eyes and hoping his boyfriend would say yes because he was really horny and the thought of being fucked under the waterfall sounded great. No one would be around anyway and Eren could scream as much as he wanted. 

Without looking up from his work, Jean replied with disinterest. "Nope, sorry babe, gotta finish setting up the tent." 

Eren growled and stomped his feet, a pout forming on his lips as he snapped. "I swear you're only dating me for my ass!!" He whirled around to storm away but not before shouting over his shoulder. "And I meant what I said earlier!!"  And with that took off with angry stomps. 

He grumbled under his breath as he stormed through the bushes and branches in his way. He was sweating and his feet ached from walking so much. His destination was a little far from camp and that was a pain in the ass since he only wanted a swim. Not a fifty mile fucking walk to the pacific ocean. He hadn't even wanted to go on this stupid trip yet his mom suggested it "would be good to spend some time outside". If anything he preferred to be at home sleeping his soul out. But then again, Annie had mentioned there being a waterfall and he couldn't resist. 

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