◈ Chapter 8 ◈

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A whimper escaped plump lips that stretched into a uncomfortable frown. Long, dark lashes fluttered against a smudged cheek before slowly lifting, revealing vibrant green-blue eyes to the darkness around him.

At first, his fuzzy and exhausted mind couldn't process anything, haven awoken from what seemed like a heavy slumber. There was a throbbing and dull pounding in his head, releasing a weak groan from him as he tried to shift, only to find he couldn't move. His bode felt numb to the point he lost feeling in all limbs. While he couldn't see, multiple distant rustling caused him to tense in place, confusion and a million questions running through his mind.

Now wide awake, Eren's alert eyes darted around the pitch blackness that encased him whole. He began to struggle smally, but froze when he heard what sounded like a door opening, and footsteps descend wooden, creaky stairs. There was a click and light exploded throughout the room causing Eren to flinch.

He blinked--- once, twice, thrice--- before finally everything around him came into clear, and absolute focus.

He wish it hadn't.

His breath caught in his throat, eyes terrifyingly wide, blood running ice cold as his heart dropped to his stomach, leaving a sickingly feeling behind. His stomach twisted uncomfortably, and nausea began to build. Sweat formed and tears threatened to renew as he choked on a sob.

Before him.

Were each and every single one of his friends. Tied and bound, struggling weakly and some hardly moving at all. Blood, wounds and gashes marred their skin. Faces bloodied just as their clothes which had been smeared with grass and dirt like they had been dragged.

Armin, Marco, Krista, Ymir, Mikasa, Annie, Reiner, Bertholdt, Sasha, Connie. . .


"No. . . " it was but a shaky, broken whisper. His eyes remained unmoving from the painfull scene before him. Even as a familiar raven crouched beside his bound form, a pale callous hand reaching, running through the soft locks of his hair.

"I was wondering when you would awake." Levi murmured, tilting his head as he pet Eren's hair almost adoringly. His dark eyes roamed over Eren's still frame before shifting to the boy's friends. He leaned down, and pressed his lips to the boy's ear, whispering in a menacing tone---

"You shouldn't have ran," Eren trembled violently as lips trailed down his neck, teeth threatening to sink into the smoothness of his pretty throat. Watery eyes gazing brokeningly at his friends.

"And now you're going to watch your little friends suffer."

Levi stood and casually strolled over to the very first one, chained to a pole. 


Hands grabbed and yanked at the blonde's bloodied and matted hair, causing the boy to cry out in pain as he was forced onto a chair, and immobilized. The gag was roughly taken out from his mouth, Armin's sobs beginning to fill the basement.

And then the tears began. 

Eren screamed and struggled violently just as Levi grabbed a sharp, and jagged knife from a nearby table and Eren realized it was the same knife he had found back when they first arrived.

His heart thundered in his chest, watching, screaming and crying helplessly as Levi grabbed a fistful of Armin's blonde hair, shoving his head back and positioned the knife at the very top of his hair line.

And then he began to dig the knife into his scalp.

Armin's piercing screams of agony resounded in the room, sending sharp daggers through Eren's heart, making him flinch with each screech torn. Eren shook his head, sobbing loudly, shoulders shaking as he tore his eyes away just as Levi began to violently scalp his best friend, blood dripping down the boy's face and neck as he choked.

From then on, the screams of each and every one of his friends were agonizing as they were each tortured in a their own "unique way" as Levi had said over the sounds of Bertholdt's gurgling from having his head shoved in a tub of fluoroantimonic acid, the teens fingers strewn on the floor beside them.

Eren cursed, screamed, cried, sobbed and repeatedly smashed his head on the wall behind him but nothing deterred the torturous screams of his friends ringing in his head even after they had long gone stilled, bodies dumped off to the side, like useless toys.

Blood soaked the floor around Levi, some of it even trailing towards Eren as he desperately sobbed and scooted back against the wall, trying to get as much distance as he could. His body shook with violent efforts as he pressed the side of his face against the cold cement wall. Snot, tears and scrapes marring his face as he cried, throat raspy and stinging with pain from his vocal cords damaging.

But then---


Eren stilled at Jean's loving voice, his cries quieting down as he slowly and sluggishly lifted his head to see Jean, the love of his life, who only wanted to protect him, seated on the red covered chair, head held in place as drillers were positioned on each opening of his ears. Tears brimmed Jean's eyes, dripping down his cheeks like crystals as he cried the next words---

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. . ."

Hollow, and empty green eyes stared aimlessly at the way Jean's body violently convulsed and jerked in it's straps, or as Levi poured more of that fluoroantimonic acid over Jean, and then harshly shoving the jug into the two-toned male's mouth and forcing it down his throat. The sound of muffled choking and gurgling impaling Eren's mind and soul, burying itself there along with all the other screams that clung to him, chaining him to a dark and endless void.

Even after Levi had finished mauling Jean's body until it was unrecognizable, the fury evident in his dark blue eyes--- Eren did not move.

Even when Levi gently clutched at his cheeks with blood stained hands, Eren did not flinch.

Even when Levi kissed him with ravenous lips, biting at his lips and possesively holding him against his body, Eren did not react.

Nor when Levi strapped him down to a table, whispered in his ear, "You will never leave me, Eren." Before raising his axe above his head, over Eren's legs---

And bringing it down.


Morning sunlight slipped through the open window coloring the kitchen a beautiful golden, as Levi stood before the stove, birds chirping and singing in the distance. He looked up to see the healthy green of the trees swaying lightly, the feel of cool morning air brushing against him.

Levi whistled a melodic tune as he turned off the stove, and turned to set a single plate of eggs, bacon and biscuit before his lover. Pulling up a chair, he dragged it over beside the brunette and sat down, his own plate placed in front of him. He turned to his lover, kissing him on the cheek before grabbing his fork and picking at a piece of egg, raising it gently to his lover's still lips.

"Open up, Eren." Levi's eyes flashed with a deranged gleam as the emotionless boy obeyed.

Levi reached over and kissed Eren again, hands roaming over the stumps of his lover's arms and legs. A twisted smile gracing his features.

"My beautiful, Eren," he purred fondly.


Scream at me.

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