◈ Chapter 6 ◈

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When Levi came back to find his little prisoner had escaped, he felt his blood boil in absolute rage, causing his clenched fists to shake. How dare that bitch escape from me! He saw nothing but red as he let out a furious snarl, knocking and crashing every piece of furniture around him before storming down to his basement and rummaging through his drawers of various types of tools.

Once he found what he was looking for, a glint flashed before his eyes. A grin threatened to break out on his face, the corner of his lips twitching up slightly.

Oh yes, he was going to teach his brat a lesson and make him regret ever leaving him.


Dashing through the woods, Eren panted heavily, trying his best to keep up with Jean. Their hands were locked together as Jean lead the way but Eren's legs were burning from their nonstop running. He had always been the lazy one out of their relationship.

Without stopping, Jean glanced over his shoulder at his exhausted lover, reassuring him, "Just a little further, Eren." He huffed before looking back forward concentrating on getting them back to the campsite. 

It seemed like no matter where they went, it was like they were going in circles. Everything looked the same. There were no signs of their friends and he felt apprehension began to creep in. The sky was already darkening and that was honestly not a good thing. If he didn't get them back soon----

A blood chilling scream caused them to stop in their tracks, heads whipping towards the source of sound.

Eren gulped, trembling in his spot, his hand clutching tightly onto Jean's and the two-toned man could pratically feel how tense the shorter boy was. With a shaky voice, Eren said worriedly, "J-Jean, that sounded like----"


"Ymir. . . . " Jean whispered, and he wasted no time in running towards their friends, yanking Eren along with him and nearly causing the boy to stumble in his steps .

Dashing through the forests Jean jumped over logs and pushed branches aside, his hand still gripping onto Eren's smaller one. His shoes crunched the twigs and branches underneath him as the tried to catch up to the shouts of his friend's that seemed to be getting more distant with each step he took.

No, no, no! He thought frantically, his eyes wide and panicked. His heart was racing and thumping heavily in his chest as he forced his legs to keep going. His lungs burned and the muscles in his legs ached deeply from his running. Krista! Ymir! The faces of his friends flashed in his mind. 

He had to find them. He had to!

Behind him, Eren yelped loudly and collapsed against the ground, wheezing. Their joined hands causing Jean to nearly fall back with him. Forcing himself to sit up onto his knees, Eren coughed and wheezed violently, spit dripping down the corner of his mouth. "Jean. . . " he cried. "I c-can't. My legs---"

"No! C'mon Eren, we have to keep going! We'll make it there, just a little further----"

Eren growled and snapped, "Just a little further?! We've been going in circles, Jean! It's too dark and we've been running for so long!! At this rate. . " a tear slipped down his cheek. "H-he'll come for us--- all of us!"

Jean got to his knees, so that he was eye level with Eren. Gently cupping his lover's face, he tilted his head up so that Eren's beautiful vibrant green eyes, that seemed to glow beautifully in the dark night, met his own amber ones. "Eren," he said softly. "I know you're scared. I am too, but are you really going to give up? If we stop now, it'll only give him more time to get the others or even catch up to us. Think about Armin, and Mikasa. They've been worried sick for you and are probably out there, searching for you. Do you know how terrified they are for you? Please, Eren. . . " Jean leaned his head against Eren's before kissing the teen's head softly.

Reaching up to put his hand over Jean's which rested against his cheek, Eren nodded and kissed Jean back. "Yes. . . Okay. " he sniffed and wiped his eyes. "Let's go."

He used Jean's support to help him stand, his legs shaking slightly before they both began to head off.


Connie glanced around frantically, his heart rapidly pounding in his chest as he huffed and panted, his eyes darted here and there and jumping at every little sound. He was terrified and he lost. When everyone had heard Krista scream, they were immediate to  separate into groups to search for the blonde.

He had been with Sasha and Reiner, but they were faster than him and  before he knew it in the blink of an eye---- they were gone and he had lost sight of them and the direction.

"Sasha!" He called out urgently. Hoping for a reply. But when none came, he cursed under his breath before shouting Reiner's name.

Panic began to set in and his eyes hastily darted everywhere as he trembled in his spot like a lost puppy.  It was dark, the only source of light being that from the moon and he couldn't see much. He was began to wheeze and take deep breaths, his chest tightening painfully as he fought for air---


He whipped around, eyes wide and scared as he got out, "S-Sasha? R-Reiner?"


For several moments, he stayed in that position, glancing around slowly before---

A chilling, chuckle resounded in the air causing Connie to freeze up, his blood running cold and heart stopping when he felt breath trail down his neck and a menacing voice whisper,

"Looks like marry lost another little lamb,"

Then immense pain exploded in the back of his head.

The Killer in the Woods [RIREN] {✔}Where stories live. Discover now