◈ Chapter 5 ◈

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"Shit! Shit! What are we gonna do?!" Connie cried in fright, clutching at his head. Beside him, Sasha leaned over and wrapped him into a comforting hug.

"C'mon Connie! Please don't worry. We'll figure something out, I'm sure...." She said softly and frowned albeit a bit nervously. She was terrified too but refused to show it.

"Connie, it'll be okay." Bertholdt assured him. When Connie's wide eyes met his, he gave him a small smile but that didn't deter the shorter boy's apprehension.

"How will it be okay when there's a physcopath out there and Eren is gone?!" He snapped, his voice cracking midway as he trembled slightly.

Bertholdt casted his gaze at the ground.

Reiner sighed and crossed his arm. He put on a stern face. "Don't go panicking just yet Connie, if we stick together and keep a look out for this guy then we'll be able to fight him off and find Eren," He grinned. "Afterall, there's ten of us and one of him, surely taking us all down at once would be big problem for him!"

At that, Connie began to relax a bit. Still, the cold, sinking feeling in his gut didn't disappear. He nodded slowly and let out a tired sigh, the warmth from Sasha comforting him. He had anxiety problems and Sasha was always there to help him through it.

Just then, Marco and Armin appeared with arms full of sticks they had went out and gathered. When they approached the four teens, Armin tilted his head, brows furrowing slightly. His gaze searched around them for a moment before he asked, "Where did Jean go?"

"He's in his tent. He won't come out no matter how many times we've asked him." Sasha said sighing.

"Really? I figured he'd be helping Mikasa. . . ." Armin murmured and shook his head slightly. "I'll get him later. For now, we brought what we can. It'll get dark soon so we all need to be careful."

"Why don't two or three of us head out and find help?" Sasha asked, perking up at the sudden new idea.

Marco frowned. "No, that would be too risky. Someone could get hurt along the way and it'll take hours just to get to the closest station by foot. Besides, we don't know who we're dealing with."

"A physcopath." Connie muttered under his breath but no one paid any mind.

"What about weapons? We don't have any." Bertholdt spoke up quietly.

Reiner rubbed his chin in thought as he glanced up at the sky. "There's that blade that Jean found in Eren's bag. Sasha has her bow . . . . I say we should search the cars for anything useful."

Marco and Armin set the bundle of sticks down beside the fire before straightening up. Armin searched their camp for a familiar, stoic blond haired girl.

"Annie is with Mikasa, right?" Armin asked. 


He nodded. "Alright, it'll get dark soon. Two people should take first watch while the rest of us get as much sleep we can and then we'll switch." He stated.

Sasha nodded. "I'll do it," She then turned to Connie and rubbed his back. "Connie, you should get some rest, okay?"

Connie mumbled something incoherently before nodding. He rubbed his eyes and stood up, walking towards his tent and crawling inside.

"Me too, I'll help Sasha," Reiner said. He gave the others a thumbs up and grinned. "Don't worry, I got your backs!"

Throughout half the night, Reiner and Sasha were cautious and wary. They sat back to back, listening for any sound other than Connie's and Jean's loud snoring. The fire crackled during the silence as their eyes darted around every once in a while, searching the pitch black forest.

Sasha had her bow in her lap, fingers tense as they skimmed along the string.

Reiner had his arms crossed, a crowbar he had managed to find in Jean's truck, resting on his knees. It wasn't much but any sort of protection would do. In the morning though, they'd have to go find Eren.

If they couldn't find him during the day, then they would retreat back to their camp, come up with a new plan, and go out again.

When Eren awoke, his vision was blurry and he couldn't see a single thing. He blinked his eyes a few times, until his sight cleared, green eyes frantically darting around the unfamiliar room.

What happened. . .?

He couldn't recall anything from before and it was irritating him. He groaned and tried to pull his hand to rub his head only to find them restrained and something cold, wrapping around his wrists.

Then it all came back to him.

His eyes widened and he began to struggle against his binds when a sound from outside the door caused him to freeze.

The sound of the floorboards creaking slowly made his blood run cold and heart beat in fear. His body was trembling.

Oh god, what if he was back? Could this be it for Eren?  He sure as hell hoped not! He still needed to kick Jean's ass for depriving him of some fun time at the lake!

The footsteps stopped right outside his door. Eren gulped.

"G-go away!" He shouted shakily, tears forming in his eyes.

"Eren?" A familiar voice called out.

Relief flooded Eren's body and he could practically feel himself go lax at it. He never thought he'd be so happy to hear his lover again. "Oh god, Jean! Please! I-I'm in here!"

The door rattled and then a few muffled curse words. "Dammit it's locked!"

Eren glanced around the room. No sight of the key. Of course the fucker would take it with him! "Try finding something heavy!"

"Like you?"

Eren growled angrily. "This isn't funny Jean! Hurry!!"

He was so not letting Jean anywhere near his ass for months. Fucking bastard!

The footsteps started up again and he could hear them fading away. Then silence. They came back again and a cloud clang! caused him to flinch. The foor was kicked open, slamming against the wall and Jean ran in at the sight of Eren.

"Eren!" He breathed in relief, hugging his boyfriend to his chest. Eren nuzzled his cheek before gritting his teeth and harshly knocking his head against Jean's causing the blonde to falk back.

"That's for calling me fat, asshole! Now untie me you fucker!"

Jean groaned, rubbing his head before standing up again. He obeyed using a bolt cutter he had previously found and snapped the chains.

Eren threw his arms around Jean's neck, a smile on his face. "C'mon we need to leave before he comes back!"

☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆  if there is any mistakes please let me know. I do these late at night and I'm too tired to go over them so I'd appreciate it if you guys spot any mistakes that I can fix!

Also new story! I'm thinking of making an obsessive, possibly yandere Eren though idk if he should be an omega or just . . . ??? Let me know what you think!

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