◈ Chapter 3 ◈

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Eren felt sick to his stomach and he had to hold a trembling hand over his mouth in order not to vomit. The body in front of him stunk of fresh blood, making him nauseous, frozen on the ground. He closed his eyes tightly, steadying his breathing so that he wouldn't panic. The sight of the body was making him dizzy, he had to look away.

He wished so badly, that he was by Jean's side, in his arms. The man had left the room a couple of minutes ago, leaving Eren under the table. 

I have to get out of here, Eren thought. Glancing at the front door that was a couple of feet away.

He startled at the sound of low cursing and the man's boots thudding against the ground caused him to tense. He appeared in front of him again, and Eren watched as pale, bloody strong hands reached down to grab the dead girl's feet.

"Tch, stupid bitch. . ." a deep voice growled, and the girl was carelessly yanked and dragged off, her body leaving a trail and smear of crimson blood.

There was the sound of door creaking open, and then multiple thumps following after. Eren glanced back at the doorway where the man had disappeared and then at the front door. Slowly, he removed his hand from his mouth and swallowed nervously.

Now's my chance!

He crawled out from under the table, grimacing and face paling at the feel of wet blood on his hands and knees.  He stood on shaky legs and just as he took a step forward towards the door, the sound of a door slamming shut rang through the air. Then--

"Where do you think you're going?" The cold voice sent chills down his spine and Eren tensed in place. He looked over his shoulder to see a built, raven haired male with a white tank top and dark jeans, along with black combat boots. Cold, lifeless eyes stared right back at him, and Eren's gaze snapped down to the blood dripping axe in the stranger's bloodied hand.

Eren was frozen in terror. Wide eyes staring at the male as his body refused to move. His heart was thundering in his chest and he was beyong terrified.

"I....I..." Eren stuttered voice cracking.

Then he ran.

He dashed for the front door but before he could touch the knob, an axe peirced the wooden door right by his head. Eren yelped and jumped back in fright, falling on his ass. He stared in horror at the place the axe had been thrown. How easily could that have been his head?

Eren started to shake, tears forming in his eyes and those heavy footsteps began slowly making their way towards him. Like a predator stalking it's prey. The footsteps stopped right behind him and Eren flinched when a hand touched his hair. Then cold fingers ran down his cheek to his chin. He felt disgusted because those very hands had killed someone and were covered in blood. Blood from someone who was probably alive not even a day ago. He gulped down the lump in his throat and cautiously glanced up.

Silver, hooded eyes stared down at him, a flash of desire crossing them before it disappeared quickly.

"Pl-please don't...." Eren cried softly. Tears streaming down his cheeks like a never ending waterfall.

The man stroked Eren's cheek, not caring in the slightest if he was smearing blood on the boy. The hand traveled down to his neck and Eren was about to snap at him to stay away when two strong arms snatched him up and he was roughly thrown over the man's shoulder.

"Put m-me down!! Let go!!" Eren screamed, kicking and punching, struggling against the guy but it was no use. The dark haired male carried Eren to the door, where the track of blood led. Eren began to viciously struggle even more at this. "No!! HELP!" Eren cried, scratching and clawing at the man. "Someone! H-help! Help me! JEAN!" Eren frantically called.

The door was kicked open and Eren was forcibly taken down stairs, his cries and pleads going ignored until finally he was set down.

He tried to scramble away but rough hands were already on him, pinning him down against the cold floor with strength and harshness.

"Please!" Eren cried. "Please.... let me go..." He whimpered.

He was ignored as chains were being clasped around his wrists and ankles and he was dragged to a corner of the room. Once the male was sure Eren wouldn't leave, he grabbed Eren by the cheeks and stared into tearfilled emerald eyes.

"Beautiful....." The raven murmured before pressing a small kiss on the boy's nose and standing up. He pointed at Eren and said, "Stay here."

Eren glared with malice and snapped angrily, "It's not like I can go anywhere, asshole!"

The raven raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. "We'll have to fix that mouth of yours." Then he took his leave, ignoring Eren's angry sniffles.

"Where is Eren?" Mikasa glowered darkly, shoving Jean up against the tree roughly, Jean's shirt clutched tightly in her hand.

Jean grunted and winced. He opened his mouth then closed it again, swallowing nervously. With all the courage he could muster he stood his ground and snapped back at her. "I....don't know, okay?! How was I suppose to know he'd disappear!"

Mikasa seemed shocked but then recovered quickly. Her face was murderous as she glared at him with intent to kill. "If he doesn't show up by midnight...." She leaned in close causing the male to slightly lean back in fear. "Well... Let's hope he does." Her tone promised nothing good. She let go of him and stepped back, turning away and leaving him there.

Jean clutched at his chest, his heart was pounding loudly in his chest as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. He stared at a spot on the ground, and leaned against the tree behind him.

It had been a few hours since Eren disappeared and everyone was worried. Jean had checked the truck and the lake but there was no sign of the brunette. He was starting to regret leaving Eren by himself.

He stood up straight and headed back to the camp, mind on his boyfriend. What if Eren was hurt? What if he was unconscious? It would be freezing tonight and to think that Eren was somewhere out there alone frightened him. He needed to find Eren quick.

When he got to their campsite, Marco was the first to greet him with a worried expression. "Hey, you alright?" The raven asked.

Jean nodded reluctantly. "Y-yeah, m'fine." He said and walked away from Marco, heading towards his and Eren's shared tent. When he got inside he immediately collapsed onto the pile of blankets Eren hadn't bother to fix up.

Dammit, Jean thought with a groan. Come back, Eren!

A silver flash caught his attention and he lifted his head to squint in the direction of Eren's backpack. He sat up and reached over to unzip the bag fully so that he could pull the object out. When he did his eyes widened slightly in shock.

Why does Eren have this in his bag...?

The Killer in the Woods [RIREN] {✔}Where stories live. Discover now