Chapter 2

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Bella's POV★

I hate my life without my mom, its hell! living hell!! My dad keeps annoying me, I have to do everything in this shit hole we call home, I don't have time for myself and life just seems like the worse thing possible to get along with.

I was in bed exhausted from the long night I had last night when I heard my dad call me from downstairs to get up.

The fuck is wrong with this place a girl can't get her beauty sleep no more.

I frowned still in bed.

“Bella get down here I need to talk to you!!” My dad yelled again.

I growled feeling annoyed and got up. I looked in the mirror and my hair was a mess like damn the fuck I can't go to school looking like this.

“Bella!!” my dad yelled again.

I got so mad that I yelled back, “the fuck am coming!!”

I walked downstairs in my pj's looking like a three year old.

I rolled my eyes, “ what do you want?”

“I have good news” he said

“ bed is waiting you know? I'm practically sleeping right now” I said gesturing for him to hurry up with his so called good news.

“ok ok, we're moving to Michigan ” he said.

“What!!? Why?”  I yelled shocked.

“The company I work with is moving, and you know how much I love my job and I'm very good at it so my boss said I should come with, I already have a house there, and your new school is taken care of .....everything is ready I just want your opinion.”

A change of school and hometown are you fucking kidding me! I hardly get along with people and having new friends is not within my best ability.

“ I-I...ummm...” I said before I was cut off.

“really you agree that's great I'm going to call my boss, pack your bags we leave right now. ”

What the fuck I did not say that!
Fuck... Shit..crap..this is just fucking great!

I walked upstairs feeling like a damn fool.

That's because you are,  my inner voice said.
And I couldn't help but believe her.

I took a shower and combed my hair into a messy bun.

I started to somehow pack I didn't even know what I was suppose to pack, I didn't want to leave, if I left that would mean I'm leaving my mom, she's buried at the back of our house, I always look for her every morning and if I move we won't connect anymore I'll be far away from her.

I sobbed a little while looking at one of her pictures, I really missed her.

I finished packing and sat on my bed waiting for my dad.

“are you ready?”

“If that's what you call it” I said sadly.

“I'm sorry Bell, you know how much I love this job and I...I.”

“yea I get it you care more about your stupid job than me” I said pushing pass him and walked downstairs.

I hurriedly got inside the car before he came down, I just didn't want to hear whatever he had to say.

3 hours later

After a long ride to the airport and a two hour flight to Michigan we finally reached our so called new home.

It was huge, it had a white and pinkish color that adorned the outside. On the inside was even more beautiful that I shrieked with excitement just by seeing it but I didn't let my dad see that I like it cause I still had hope of us going back home and not staying here.

“you like it bell?” my dad asked.

I frowned and said, “no, the color is ugly and ugh these furniture who got them your great great great grandmother.”

He laughed, “you'll get use to it its not all that bad anyways you're just exaggerating ”

“whatever, where's my room?”

“oh yea I can bet you'll love your new room its the meaning of beauty”

I frowned at his statement knowing what my dad calls beauty is the definition of ugly.

We walked upstairs and took a right and then a left,  so many corners in a house its exhausting,and then another right until finally we reached my room.

I opened the door and I must say it doesn't look all that bad.

It was beautifully adorned in different colors especially the curtains which sorter made me smile and my bed filled with teddy bears which amused me cause I love teddy bears.

“so you like it?” my dad asked.

I sorter liked it but then again I didn't want him to know that so I pretended not to.

“No!! its gross and what's with the teddy bears what is this a circus?”

He laughed and said,“Bell come on it ain't that bad”

“yes it is”

“No, and anyways I have to call my boss, and yea remember you have a new school to attend tomorrow so prepare for that” he said and walked out.

My heart stopped for a while when I heard the words ‘new school.’

I hate new schools! I don't like to socialize with new people and my rotten ass attitude is no help.

This is going to be one hell of a time for me but I might as well enjoy it while it last.

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