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Love is just a feeling love is joy
Sadness is a feeling it's a disaster it's raw it's pure
Anger is a feeling it's furious,outrageous intense
Feelings are emotions
Emotions make us emotional
It makes us human
Without feelings there is no love
Without love there is no hurt nor sad nor anger
No feelings no emotion
Without emotion you're numb
Your not human anymore just a body with no soul.
An empty shell
Feelings bring you joy
Feelings bring you hurt
Feelings get you hurt
Feelings gave you love
Feelings make you human
You can't live without feelings
You can't live without excitement
You can't live without joy
You can't live without hurt
You can't live without pain
You can't live without love
You can't live without anger
Or you're not living at all.
Sincerely ~ the emotional teenagegirl

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