Keep going

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Dear someone anyone everyone,

There comes a point in life where you're either sad, happy, conflicted or like me stuck.

Because I am stuck. And that's no ones fault maybe not even my own. Because there comes a point in life where you don't know what the hell you're supposed to do with it. Do I want to be come a nurse ? Maybe yes ? Do I want to do this for the rest of my life ? Well that's definitely a no.

At least I think so. The problem is I honestly don't know. And the right question is ..

Do I have to know?
The right answer would be probably not.
Because you're young. You have a life a head of you just whatever you do keep going. Because in the end it's you who's living your own life.
So own it

And even if you're not that young you're not obligated to make permanent decisions. If by al means you're an 60 year old grandmother who wants to be an adventurous scientist or whatever the hell an 60 year old grandmother wishes to be you're never to old to follow your dreams.

As long as you keep going.

But let me tell you it won't be easy, heck I would know. I've had every step back and almost all of those things were the fault of my own.

You wanna know why ?

Because I gave up I didn't go up
I gave up

And then I hauled my lazy ass up because I wanted to do something with my life.

And I still do, even if I don't even know what the hell I am doing with my life.

But what I do know is that some day some day you all will know my name.
Someday I will make something of myself.

I just don't know what yet.

But what I do know is that I have to keep going. Even if my lazy ass doesn't want to.

Sincerely the girl who doesn't know what she's doing with her life

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