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When life threathens to stop try to go on.

How hard it may be. Giving up isn't an option.  Ever. You have to fight. You have to fall to get back up. And try again. You have to fight until the end. That's what counts. Failing isn't an option, it's an possibility and trying is your passion, and winning is possible. So make mistakes. Take a risk. Fall with your face down flat on the surface stand the hell back up. And fight, fight for the things you love, the things you desire the most. Because at the end you'll get there. One way or another.

the roads can ge be hard, you may fase the storm, you go through wind through fire through water through snow, you can walk, you can crawl, or you run. Whatever you do keep moving. Keep moving to that one thing you desire.

wheter it's that metal you so hardly desire or that girl you love, the boy you never dared talk to but admire. Atleast try. Or is it that car you so badly want? that book you're dying to read? that country you always wanted to go to? the man you fell so hard for? Or that friend you're dying to see? Whatever it is you live for.

Don't just dream, just do

fight for what you want.

~sincerely that fighting girl

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