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I think with my head
I think with my imagination
But when you think,
Does it always mean its good ?
Thinking is turning into thoughts
Thought of how you are
Thought of how you've been
Thoughts of how he's been

Sometimes I think
I think about things that have been
I think about things that have to come
I think about things that I think I shouldn't think about

Sometimes I hate my thoughts
I hate the way I think
I hate the way I think that others think of me
Sometimes you shouldn't think

But still we do

I always think about the bad thinks
I worry
I doubt
I overthink
Sometimes I think too much
Sometimes think so much that it all turns into a blur
My thoughts turn into clouds
That lay over my head
And drape down to my shoulders
Like a heavyweight blanket
The clouds are sometimes white
They can be blue
They can be pink
They can be bright
They can be grey
But nowadays they are just dark
Sometimes I think to much of the clouds
Sometimes I wished

I never thought at all

~ sincerely the troubled teen

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