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I walked down the stairs,
Hugging my notebook close to my chest.

It's been a week since the incident in the class with Sofia,I've been doing my best trying to avoid Sofia.

"Aria"a sweet-coated voice called out,I spun around meeting face-to-face with The one and only Sofia.

"Y-yes?"I asked in a shaky voice,she laughed at my facial expression.

Crossing her arms across her chest she said,"I just came to say stay away from Marco,He is mine."

I shivered In fear at her tone,"Am I clear?"she hissed leaning in her face looked frightening and I wanted nothing more than to escape her havoc.

I nodded violently gulping as she towered over me with her 6-inch silhouettes she smirked at
My reaction,"I love seeing people like your kind in fear."

With saying that she left,as I stood stunned in fear for few moments before recovering I tried to smile seeing Mia in front of me who frowned as Sofia passed by her.

"What have happened?"
She asked demandingly,
"She warned me to stay away from Marco."

Mia gave me the 'are you serious' look,I nodded.

"What have we talked about about a week ago?"
She asked getting impatient with my attitude.

I fiddled with my fingers,
"Mia I can never be with someone like him."
I said hoarsely,she pulled me in her embrace.

"Don't Aria."she said  scoldingly,giving me a tight hug we pulled away.

"See whenever your hungry you eat yummy in your tummy,right?"
She joked I giggled at her words.

"And Marco is yummy as hell."she said explaining it to me although it wasn't necessary seeing I knew what she was going to say before she even utters.

"Say Marco is yummy as hell."she said with a serious look,I shook my head,"say it or else..."
Raising her eyebrows in a warning.

"Marco is yummy as hell"
I said in a whisper.

"Really?"I heard a masculine voice speak as I flushed,he appeared in front of me on the stairs he said,"you never tasted anything,though"winking at me as I flushed dark shades of scarlet.

Mia stood smirking like an idiot,I felt like murdering her but thought against it since I'm too nice to kill an ant unless it was done accidentally which happens quite...A LOT.

I've never been more embarrassed in my life and thanks to my best friend for making it officially,I should give her an award for that.

"She haven't got her cherry popped yet,"
She said in a matter of fact tone,

"MIA!"I yelled at her to be quite and stop harassing me like that isn't it enough to embarrass someone.

Marco smirked at me now interested,why is he even interested he always seems to be whenever he looks at me in that dark look that look when you long to venture the mysteries.

I felt my eyes burning me,and my cheeks felt on fire I pushed them dashing towards the exit of the building not looking back.


At a family dinner 🍴
Sneaked in the bathroom to write this in five minutes sorry for typos

My fingers are aching😫


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