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The darkness was extremely peaceful,but the voices sent me the surge to wake up and strangle each owner of the voice:

"Momma"called a soft voice,caressing my cheek lovingly I leant in as the voice let out a squeal,I squinted while trying to let my eyelids uncover my oceanic oculus to see the beauty of the world seated on the bed beside me:

Grasping my hand into her smaller delicate ones,soft touches and caresses adored by me I let a smile stretch its way on my lips,
Wincing as I felt them crack at the sudden movement they were dry as the Sahara desert.

My bundle of joy smile turnt into a frown upside down,huffing she took the jar placed on the nightstand pouring water with her hands moving around spilling some water from the jar heaviness.

Handing me the cup,
before shaking her head mumbling something under her breathe she brought the glass towards my lips while I chugged the water down my dry throat like a mad man would do to its beer.

"Thank you"I said in a hushed voice,thanking my little bundle of joy:Aoife.

She smiled proudly at the praise,I looked around eyes examining in the interior of the room sensing the unusualness
Of the richness of the interior.

the bed sheets seemed to be of fine silk while the mattress reminded me of a mold that can be shaped with differently yet comfortably to the humans requests,
The lights were slightly dimmed not to make you squint to blindness as for the interior of the furniture resembled a classic touch of life yet antic.

"We are at Mr.Ronaldo's house"she said blushing,
The redness covered her cheeks securely while her hair curtained her face from curious eyes.

I laughed slightly at her,
not before wincing slightly
At the feeling that ran down my back into some painful turns to my lower back sending a nerve to hit my neck I moaned in pain,

"Momma?"Said Aoife in a worried tone,shaking my arm lightly not to let the pain erupt once again to course my body torturously,intaking a sharp breathe in;eyes tightly closed I opened them to be greeted by a face holding pure emotions:
"Marco?"I said my voice coming out in a bear question.

Aoife looked at him frowning,"Momma who's this?"she asked her voice holding a tone of befuddlement.

As soon those words escaped her mouth my brain seemed to stop it process,stopping while I ponder my words into a form of sentence coming up with none in result.

"I'm your father Aoife"
He said looking at her before casting a glance at me I felt like I was trapped into a lions den he was unveiling everything to my little girl I gulped as she looked at me mouth a gaped.


Hello sorry for the late update but I am so fascinated with life lately 😂


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