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"Ladies this is Aria"
Ronaldo said with one of his hand shoved into his pocket boyishly,while the other hand was gesturing my small back towards the den of the lionesses.

They all glanced at me with hatred,and distaste the distant look in their eyes spoke tremendous thoughts,hinting the acts of a wild beast on its first hunt:The first hunt where the desire to kill its prey unmerciful trounce leaving you either unconscious for ever or leaving you beaten badly with severe yet massive unable to heal wounds.

A lady who I believe was the one who organized this birthday party of little Cristiano,called Ronaldo on to tell him something important on the birthday party organization:he gave me a nod addressing the ladies with a slight nod it somewhat looked firm as their eyes widen ever so slightly into degrees but unnoticeable if you do not scrutinize their features pointing out the emotions to be read out.

One spoke who was dressed pompously yet in an elegant reached her finger tips,raising her hand which was occupied with the flute champagne her wrist had golden bracelets matching the earrings as a set:Taking a sip her eyes targeting mine into their daunting grasp as i wiggled slowly looking everywhere else to avoid her gaze.

Licking her burgundy painted lips,her tongue red as blood her perfectly plucked eyebrows rose in a questioning manner I averted my eyes from her posture to frighten to be held captive into her capturing hawkish eyes.

"Aria"she addressed her voice sounded so dripping rich,That I shivered in fear at her tone:She seemed to notice the impact of affect she had on me smirking in delight.

"You seem to be a eccentric person"she said her voice dripping with distaste,her eyebrows pulled up together in a frown but left with a smirk.

A lady with brunette hair,
Full lips which made me think if she had those surgery where it makes your lips fuller.

"From what brand?"she asked twirling a strand of her hair against her claw like finger eyebrow raised

"Huh?"I said face scrunched up in confusion,mind puzzled with differ solutions.

The lucid thinker;the one who dressed more pompously that spoke to me when I first came:
Laughed out in a devilish manner,while the others joined her in fits of haunting laughter the ones which will remind you of those horror movies sworn not to be watched again.

She took my dress in between her hand looking at the fabric,eyebrows pulled up together in the greatest antipathy.

"This"she gestured,one brought up her hand pressing her index finger against her chin making an attempt to think of an answer:

"Oh Valentina,it's one of those tawdry shops"she said looking at me impishly.

They all laughed once again,"hold on"every one halted their laughter listening intently to the leader of the clique:

"Someone like you shouldn't be invited here"
She said clicking her tongue,doing a roguish face expression showing his distaste.

"Seriously,your dress is with garish colors to the extremes of meretricious
-ness"She said her tone dripping hatred,through all the insults being thrown on me my heart beat pulsed in a sad beat reminding me of a sorrowful melody.

"Tsk,tsk,tsk your clothes are in a sad shape even your face has this perturbing mask worn"
She said touching my face with her claw like nails fearing that I'd be cut by them I took a step backwards tripping,I fell my back smacked a hard texture sending pain to travel down my lower back moaning in pain.

I heard a buzzing sound ringing in my head violently,"Aria"a soft voice spoke but recognizing it wasn't soft it was masculine I saw a figure,

"Marco?"I said confused it came out in a questioningly tone,I felt someone place their hand on my cheek;"Momma"
Tapping my face repeatedly,"YOU and all of YOU are Putas!"I heard a faint voice yelling sending more buzzing sound,
knowing the voice to who it belonged to.


Hey 👋🏼 thank you all,
I apologize for my laziness but I'm busy asf so thank the gods that I even am capable of publishing a chapter!

But love y'all dollies❤️


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