Paul POV
i went to the office with bill and sky and we told the principal everything about bill blackmailing sky into doing his homework and threatening to tell everybody she was adopted. bill was suspended for 5 days. then sky and i went back to class and in class sky was not concentrating.
"okay class today we are going to do a project, i need everybody to get into groups"
everyone got into groups but sky was not participating i go over to her and say
"you need to find a group to work with"
"no. i'm not doing a stupid project"
"well, then you can go to ISS and sit there until school is over if you dont want to participate"
"fine!" she yells
i send her with a pack of work to do then get back to the class
***after school***
i go and get sky from ISS and we go to the car
"sky what was that in class?"
"it was nothing i'm so mad at you"
"why are you mad at me?" i ask confused
"you told on bill and now when he comes back everyone will know" she yells
"well that's no reason to not do your work and lash out at me"
"leave me alone, i hate you" she yells
i look forward and continue driving, i stop at a grocery store and say
"come sky we need to get something for dinner"
"you go, i am not going in"
"yes you are now lets go"
'yes, young lady if you dong get out this car you are going to be in trouble"
"so what" she yells
"i am calling daddy now and then you will be in big trouble if he has to take time off work to deal with this"
"i don't care" she yells
i dial Albert's number and call
A- Albert
P- Paul
A- hello?
P- hey AL i'm at the grocery store and sky wont get out the car she is being sassy and rude
i tell him about school and what happened in class and about bill
A- okay Paul let me speak to her
i hand the phone to sky
S- hi
A- young lady you better get out the car and listen to papa because you are already in trouble for being rude and sassy and disobedient
S- but daddy i'm angry with him
A- yes and we will be talking about that at bedtime tonight but right now you need to listen to papa because grandma is coming over with my sister and needs to get stuff for dinner
S- fine
she yells at Albert in the phone then hangs up. she opens the door and i get out and take her hand in the store.
we get

my life with two dads
General Fictionthis story is about a 7 year old girl Megan. she has long brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. she has lived in the orphanage since she was born.