chapter 5

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Albert POV

the funeral is today. Jess is so devastated when i told her a few days ago she cried and cried, she hasn't left her room or ate anything in 3 days, i'm getting really worried. today we have to tell sky that grandma died. i go to sky's room and knock

"come in" she says happily

"hey baby girl, can we talk?"

"sure daddy, am i in trouble?" she asks worriedly

"no i just have to tell you something"

"okay daddy"

i sit her on my lap and she snuggles her head into my chest. i lift her to look at me

" sweetie grandmas not going to be able to make it to your birthday party"

"why daddy" she cries

"baby, grandma had a bad heart and the doctors couldn't do anything to fix it, i'm so sorry baby girl she passed away honey"

her face turned from sadness to anger and she jumps off my lap and runs to the door i get off the bed in time to catch her. i pull her to the bed and restrain her while she has a meltdown.

"LET ME GOOOOO!" she cires

"sweetie you need to calm down"

"LEAVE ME ALONE" she yells


after about 30 minutes for her fighting me she calmed down and became very sad and she started to sob

i hold her into my arms and say

"i know baby girl, i know it hurts"

i rock her in my arms for a while and she falls asleep i lay her on her bed. i let her take a nap before the funeral. i go to see Jess. i knock on her door.

"come (sniffle) in"

i walk in to see her crying, her eyes are red and puffy

"hon we have to get ready to go, why don't you go take a shower then get these clothes on"

i say handing her a black dress with black flats and a pair of black tights

"okay and AL?"

"yes sweetie?"

"i really really miss mom"

i sit on her bed and hug her

"i do too sis"

"will i be living here forever now?"

"yes hon you are, i'm your guardian now and so is Paul and we will have very strict rules for you because you have been with us for a while now and you know that when sky is bad she gets spanked so, you will be subject to the same punishment as her"

"i know, i have to take my shower now"

i nod. i think to myself she is so depressed out of her mind iv'e never seen anyone so depressed. i work with suicidal teens and kids with depression every day so i know when i see it.

i go get my black suit on and then i go wake sky up and put her clothes on her. she has the same clothes as Jess. we get in the car and drive the the funeral . when we get there we take a seat. we listen to all the people go up and talk about how great mom was and then we got up to go say our goodbyes when we got to her casket. i started to cry. i hug my sister, sky, and Paul. we say our goodbyes, as we are leaving sky starts crying


i go pick her up and she is crying hysterically now. i rub her back and sooth her with kind words. she slaps my face. when i tell her "it will be okay". we get to the car i swat her 4 times hard as i can and say

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