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tory lanez - instrumental

chapter twelve

"why are you all dressed up?" ayana asks, adjusting her bag on her shoulder as we entered the class room.

there were only a few students in today. less than usual. barely anyone in our business & economics class came in, unless it was for tests.

we sat down at the back like always whilst mrs denver got the presentation ready. since ayana and I were closest to the door, either one of us had the responsibility of dimming the lights.

to try and escape ayana's question I got up and dimmed the lights slowly.

I looked over at her, she was getting out her notepad and a pen. hopefully I could change the subject without her noticing.

I sat back down and got out my stuff. "why's it so hot in here ?" I let out a sigh and fan myself.

"it's supposed to be 30 degrees today." she replies.

"really?" I ask, faking interest.

"mhm. I can clearly see you came prepared." she looks me up and down. "so wanna tell me why you look cuter than usual?"


"I felt like dressing up today." I lie.

she rolls her eyes. "stop lying ryan. you never put in this much effort. look at how pretty you are today."

"thanks boo, but foreal I was just in a good mood so I felt like changing my style up a bit."

"you're in a good mood because of marquise ain't it?" she grins, nudging me.

why was this girl so good at figuring stuff out?

"no, of course not. he's ... eh. "

"you should get to know him more ryan, he could be the man you've been looking for ..you never know." she points out.

I look up at the ceiling and breathe heavily, knowing I would have to eventually tell her I was meeting him anyway. I hated keeping secrets from ayana since she always told me everything.

"okay, fine. i'm meeting marquise straight after this class and he's taking me somewhere. we're just friends though ayana so don't get all excited." I admit.

"okay I won't get excited." she folds her lips together.

"good, because we're just friends and I don-" before I can even finish she grabs my arm and shakes me , squealing as she does so. "my best friend is going on a dateeeeee." she drags.

I cover her mouth with my hand and she shuts up. I remove my hand and she squeals some more until she realised it was annoying .

"you should be happy . why do you always have to dampen everything exciting that happens to you?" she groans.

"i'm not ayana, it's just I don't want to get my hopes up , you feel me?" I say, playing with the ends of my hair. "

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