Part Twelve

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I wake up blearily from a dream to the sound of knocking on my door. I look over to my alarm clock and it flashes 6:00 PM. Jeez, I took a five hour nap. I feel a hell of a lot better now though, that's for sure. My stomach growls loudly, alerting me to the fact that I haven't eaten in quite a while. I hope Holtz is here with the food. I toss the covers off and put on a pair shorts and socks before answering the door.

When I answer it, Holtzmann is standing in the hall, holding two styrofoam take out boxes.

"You food awaits, milady," She bows her head in classic royal fashion.

I grab her hand and lead her inside. "Thank God, I'm starving!"

She comes inside giggling as I close the door behind her. She slips her boots off next to the door and looks at me, smiling crookedly.

"I LOVE your bed head, by the way. Did I wake you up?" She asks.

I reach up and feel the rat's nest sitting on my head and heat rises to cheeks. "Oh god, I have to get a brush."

I turn towards the bathroom, but Holtz grabs my hand and sets the food boxes on the counter. "Why? I like it. You don't have to get dressed up to eat dinner with me." She pulls me into her arms and kisses my cheek softly, resting her hands on my waist. I drape my arms across her shoulders and she smiles. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks, Holtzy." Our foreheads rest against each another's and I can't keep from blushing.

"Shall we eat?" She asks.

"We shall."

She releases me and I grab the boxes of food, along with some silverware from the kitchen and take a seat in the living room. When I open the box, the aroma smells so amazing I hum slightly.

"God, this smells amazing." I mutter.

Holtz opens her box next, smiling brightly. "Oh, I'm supposed to tell you my mom says hi."

"Well, tell her I said hi back." I take a bite out of my hamburger and wink at her.

I turn on the television and change it to some comedy I know Holtzmann loves. "Have you slept yet?" I ask her.

"I took a couple hour nap on the couch at the lab after I got all that dumb paperwork done."

"A couple of hours? Holtz, aren't you tired? You don't have to stay here, you can go home and sleep. Or you could sleep here. I don't understand how you're still functioning."

"I told you, hot stuff, I don't have to have much sleep. I usually just get a few hours a night anyway."

"Well, just know it's okay if you want to go home, I understand. It won't hurt my feelings."

I lean back against the couch, and lay my hand on Holtzmann's upper thigh, nonchalantly. Well, I act nonchalant, but in reality my heart is beating faster than I think it ever has and I yearn for her to touch me back. Inappropriate thoughts begin to flood my mind as I feel the heat from her body under my hand. Flashbacks of the night before flood my mind and I feel myself getting warmer by the second. She leans back against the couch also, throwing her arm behind my head and across the back of the couch.

"Do you want me to go home? Cause it's okay if you do, it won't hurt my feelings either."

"God, no." I say in a desperate huff, making my desire blatantly obvious. She raises her eyebrow and smiles at me as I try to play it off. "I mean, I like you here. I like spending time with you."

"Sooooooo, does this mean I get a second date?" She asks, wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

"Hm. I don't know.... I had a good time and all but you got VERY handsy with me at the end." I squeeze her leg to make sure she knows I'm joking.

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