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Her wild red hair is everywhere as she screams in both pleasure and fear. Her hands grip his hands as she goes higher up into the air. She lands as fast as she went up. Her laughter fills the air as they both fall. Their hands still interwoven, her face has on a playful smile. She turns to look at him.

His features are only ones of happiness. His laughter fills the air as she studies his face. His eyes are closed, his brows are in a gleeful expression, he looks so adorable. She wraps her arm around his torso;scooting closer to him. He looks towards her and smiles. The loud music now only a distant sound as they both stare at each other.

Their hands are still together; their bodies closer to each other than before. They can feel each other's breath on their faces. The black woven material that makes up the trampoline doesn't feel so cold anymore. Jellal suddenly sits up, his face a light shade of red. Erza looks at him, confused. He walks to the edge and jumps off. He leaves his shoes there, along with a disappointed Erza.

She lets the realization sink in before groaning. Her chance was right in front of her, and she missed it! She crawls to the edge and reaches for her shoes. She roughly puts them on and grabs his shoes. She walks to the door that leads to where the music was coming from. She opens the door to a house that reeks of beer. She gags as she walks throughout the house.

Her loose ponytail goes from side to side as she looks for the bluenette. She goes to the opposite direction of where he is. He goes up the stairs and into the game room. He sits on the couch along with a tall long haired guy. He looks to Jellal, "What the hell? Weren't you supposed to be with Erza?" A pinkette looks at his flushed face and laughs, "Dude, did she try to make a move on you!? Why didn't you kiss her!?" Jellal glares at him.

"Because I can just cheat on my girlfriend like that, Natsu." He says sarcastically. The said boy laughs even more, "That's been cheating on you? Have you not seen her yet? Oh my God, you have to see her." The bluenette gets up and looks down and sees nothing but a crowd of drunk teens. "Stop making stuff up."

Gajeel chuckles as he notices Jellal sigh in relief. Unnoticed, the scarlet haired girl goes up the stairs and throws Jellal his shoes. They hit the back of his head with a thud. "What the f–" he turns around to see Erza, "oh." Gajeel and Natsu quickly run out of the room before they get caught up in it. She waves them off with a smile.

Her attention goes back to the slightly scared Jellal. She goes up to him, balls up her fist, and softly hits his chest. Over and over again she hits him. He grabs her small fist making her look up at him. Her eyes are ablaze with anger. "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you!"


"Why do you do this?! You say I'm your best friend. That, that you care about me. That you love me more than anything else in the world yet you do this to me?! I'm your light, I helped you from your darkest times, you said all these nice things and what did you expect?! That I'd just not fall in love with you? You chose her... not me." He covers her mouth before she can say anything else.

"You're drunk, Erza."

"I'm not! Listen to me!" He makes her sit down, hugging her in the process. She greedily hugs him back. Tears prick at her eyes as he gently rubs her back. "I don't want to hurt you, Erza. Someone with a dark past like me doesn't belong with someone as amazing as you. You're my light, you'll always be."

"You're hurting me by doing this. I don't like seeing you with someone else. I know I sound selfish but I don't care. Please, Jellal." The large window lets the light of the full moon leak through. It makes the scarlet beauty look all the more stunning. He looks at her, putting his hand on her cheek. He's been unconsciously hurting his special person; his everything....

His light

Day 2: Dawn

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