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The need to breathe gets stronger as she walks through the first streets of her soon to be kingdom. Her dress is more than skin tight making it hard to breathe. Her mother walks along with her. Her big red gown is becoming brown at the edges due to the dirt and dust. Her mother looks at it, disappointed. "The dress shouldn't be touching the ground. Now it's all dirty." Erza looks down at herself and shrugs. Not like she liked this dress anyway.

They turn a corner and Erza's favorite stand is near. She can smell the wonderful pastries from here. "Mother, may I buy some sweet bread?" Her mother looks at the stand full of wrapped up pastries and cakes. The young man smiles at the princess. Her majesty smiles back. "Very well," she gives her a few jewels, "don't spend it all, dear. I'll be at the fabric stand. Onces you've bought what you wish, come straight back to me." The red beauty takes the jewels and goes over to the stand.

The man gets up and takes the girl's hand, "Your majesty. Have you come back to buy more bread?" She nods, a smile on her lips as a smirk plays at his lips.

"Yes, I'll just take three, please." Her eyes look over to see her mother. Once she's made sure that's she's not looking, she looks over to the young man and nods. He smiles and nods back. "Take over, Meredy." The small pinkette only roles her eyes and smiles, "Sure thing, lover boy." His hand finds her and they're off. She grabs on her dress so she won't trip as they run around the corner and into the streets. She runs behind him as he guides her to a back alley. There, a blonde is waiting for them with a bag of clothes.

"Here are the clothes. Natsu and Gray are waiting for you guys a at the end of the market. I hope you guys make it." The princess quickly takes the bag and the bluenette hugs the blonde girl, "Thank you, Lucy." She hugs him back.

"Of course, Jellal. Now hurry, you don't have much time." She ushers them inside. "Quickly, princess." Erza goes to the room next door and Lucy follows, she won't be able to take off the dress herself. Jellal sits at the table, his mind going back to the short time that has past.

"The princess!? You're nuts if you even think she's gonna notice you!" Natsu laughs but Jellal ignores him.

"I'm not kidding! I'll make the princess mine! You'll see!"

That was so long ago, but only recently has he met the princess.

Her thin nightgown flows as the princess quickly runs through the castle. She finds the window she opened earlier and climbs out. Once out, she runs. Faster and faster, away from this hell. She's been arranged to marry a prince from the neighboring kingdom. At the same time, a villager goes to swim in a hidden lake. He takes off his shirt and dives in. But, unknown to him, the princess was heading to the same lake. Her tears stream down her face as she moves away the the bush and vegetation. She takes off her flats and sits at the edge. She buries her face in her legs as she weeps. A splash is heard and she looks up

Both look at each other, their faces full of shock. Her bangs cover most of his face, making him hard to make out. Instead of running, she goes towards him. As she gets closer, he realizes who he's with. His face turns a bright red as she gets closer. "Who are you?"

Who knew that in just a a few months from then, Erza Scarlet Belserion would be his.

"Princess... are you sure about this?" Her hands cup his face, bringing him in for a kiss. "I'm sure, Jellal. There's nothing that would make me happier." Their once greeting kiss has become into much, much more. That night was one of bliss and love that neither will ever forget.

"Jellal! Come on hurry up!" Lucy practically pushes both of them out the door. Scarlet's once big red gown has been replaced with a simple white dress. They bid farewell to Lucy and run to the end of the market to find Natsu and Gray. Their hands intertwined, they run. Their future together is at their fingertips. Excitement bubbles in Scarlet's stomach as they reach the end of the market. "Wait, Jellal... stop." He does so and looks at his beautiful partner. "Are you sure you want to do this? All of you can be executed. I don't want that." Her once happy face has fallen.

He brings her close and kisses her. "Of course. I love you." She returns the kiss, with just as much passion. "Thank you, Jellal.

You're my savior

Day 4: Caress

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