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"Jacquelin? Jacquelin is a girl's name if you ask me" The blonde boy said to us, surrounded by the rest of his 8 year old friends.

"Well no one asked you now go away! Jacqueline is a beautiful name!" I snapped at the kid as I rubbed the back of my black haired friend.

"Buzz off, Marina, Don't get involved" Another boy behind him said. Their British accents were thick but so was mine even if I was from Mexican decent. I lived with my mother off the coast of Europe before father came by soon to take me back to Spain with him.

"I will get involved! You can't bully, Jackie! That's Mean!" I shouted angrily, stomping my foot.

"Marina" My black haired friend turned to me.

"It's a girl's name! And look at his clothes! Where did you get them?! They're rubbish" the blonde kid said, the rest of the children laughed at him.

"So are you!" I shouted and pushed him into the pond we were by. It was cloudy out and musky. The pond was but a huge mud puddle so the kid got very dirty.

All his friends laughed at him and Jackie laughed at him too.

"And what kind of a name is Brian? Its so common and ugly!" I shouted at the child who was crying and rubbing his eyes.

"Come on, Marina! Before we get into trouble" Jackie grabbed my hand and pulled me down the roads until we eventually made it to my home, to my mother.

We giggled as soon as we got inside, Jackie mocking the way the blonde kid fell into the mud. Both of us were falling to our knees in laughter.


It was the sweet sound of my mother's voice.

"Yes, Mum?" I asked.

She turned the corner of the kitchen and came to me. "What ever are you two laughing at?" She chuckled.

"a boy was bullying Jackie, Mum! So I pushed him into mud! He looked like a swine!" I giggled and stood up.
"Oh, was it Brian again?... Mi amor, you know better than to be mean back" She approached us.

"I have never met a girl as brave as Marina, Mrs Salazar" Jackie spoke up.

My mother smiled down sincerely at him "a girl?" I whined and crossed my arms.

He smiled, "a person" he corrected himself.

My mother chuckled at us, "ay, niños, it's never a normal day without you too being bad, is it?" She asked kneeling in front of our tiny child forms.

We shook our heads in sync, she hugged us both and kisses our temples.

"Geez, Thanks, Mrs. Salazar, Me mum never kisses me" Jackie said.

I gasped "Oh, Jackie" I hugged him and kissed his cheek.

My mom smiled, "you best run home to her anyway, Jacqueline" she said.

"Mrs.." He whined, "Perdon, My apologies, Amor... Jackie" she apologized then corrected herself.

"Does he have to Go, madre?" I asked, "yes, Mari, he can not stay here without his mama's permission" my mom said to me.

"Okay madre" I hung my head low and hugged Jackie again.

"It's okay, Mari! I'll come back! Remember? I always do" he said lifting my head up. My mom smiled, stood up then walked back into the kitchen.

"Do you promise?" I asked looking into his chocolate brown eyes.

"Promise what?" He asked tilting his head a little.

"To always come back" I responded.

"Pirates never make promises!" He said lifting his hand high in a fist.

I giggled, "Jackie, please! Promise me you'll never leave me and if you do, promise you'll come back!" I shouted at him.

"Okay, Marina, I'll promise" he said after a while and wrapped his pinky around my small one.

"I'll also promise this" he said. We let go of our promise bonding and I listened closely to him.

"I promise to never forget beauty, beauty like yours" he said. "Oh, Jackie, you're bluffing" I began to blush.

"No I'm not and you're blushing!" He pokes my cheek. "Stop it, Jackie!" I pushed his arm away playfully.

"But you said Pirates don't make promises" I said sadly and looked down at my feet.

"But I am your best friend I am not a pirate to you, so I can make promises to my best friend, it's allowed!" He said which made me giggle.

I wrapped my arms around his torso.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Marina" he said then kissed my hair and left out the door to my front door.

"Mi amor, you two will be in love one day, I can just see it!" My mother came out of the kitchen again.

"Ew, mama!" I chuckled. "Ew, what?" She said. "love" I giggled. "Love is a great thing, Mari, you're just too young to realize" She said caressing my hair.

"Do you love, papa?" I asked, she sighed, 'come, let's get you cleaned". My mother never answered me.

That day Jackie left. His pirate father came to take him away. I was in such distress I cried for weeks, until my own father came to take me away from my mother, taking me to Spain and on seas with him.

Tomorrow, like Jackie said would come.... Never came.

Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Sea Mistress (Pirates'FF) {Dead Man Tell No Tale}Where stories live. Discover now