Chapter 7

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I took a deep breath as I brought my hand up to the door, my fingers brushed the copper knob as my heart rate increased. I felt like my heart was gonna beat right out of my chest, I was so nervous. I finally built up the courage and swung open the door, what I saw broke my heart. Justin was in the corner of my room holding a picture frame that contained a picture of me and him when we were at a carnival about 3 years ago.

"Justin." I whispered wiping the tears from his cheeks "Look at me." I pleaded moving his chin up so his eyes met mine

"Why Chels? Why did you move on, I still love you." He whispered

"Justin I-"

"You didnt love me, did you." He said breaking my heart

"Dont you ever say that again, you know I loved you Justin. I did cheat on you, you cheated on me." I snapped

"So youve already moved on?" He growled

"Nick is a friend, and even if I did its my business not yours." I spat glaring at him

"Your just a slut." He spat back causing me to tear up

"Get out." I said as a tear rolled down my cheek

"No Chels, I didn-"

"GET THE HELL OUT!" I yelled punching him in the chest

He grabbed my wrists and pulled me into a tight hug, I squirmed under his grip trying to get loose but it was use less. I started to sob uncontrollably into his chest.

"I didnt mean it Chels, I just snapped im so so sorry." He whispered rubbing my back

"Justin plese, go." I whispered pushing him away

"Chels, please talk to me." He pleaded as his eyes glistened "I love you." He whispered as a tear rolled down his cheek

"If you loved me you wouldnt of cheated, you wouldnt have forgot my birthday and treated me like I was trash. If you loved me you would have showed me." I said refusing to look at him

"You know damn well I love you, I made a mistake. One to many and im sorry for that, just please one more chance." He pleaded stepping towards me

"No, I cant. Youve put me through enough Justin, I dont trust you anymore." I said stepping back

"Chelsea, baby please."

"Dont you dare call me that." I spat

"Chels, please I-"

"Justin just please leave, I dont wanna talk right now." I said wiping my fallen tears

"How about lunch tomorrow? Just as friends." He said with a look of hope plastered on his fave

"Fine, but were not friends." I said glaring at him

"Okay, fine. Ill pick you up at noon." He said smiling

"Ok." I said coldly

"Bye Chels." He said before walking out

I sighed before collapsing on my bed and burying my head into my pillow letting out a loud scream.

"I dont think that will help Chelsea." I heard Fredo chuckle

"Shut up." I spat glaring at him

"Im sorry!" He said sitting on my bed

"What made you bring him here? Its only been 2 months since we broke up, did you expect me to just forgive and forget?" I said sitting up

"No, hes just hurt. I thought this would help." He said shrugging

"And im not hurt?" I said looking at him

"Well I mean youve already moved on Chelsea." He said laughing slightly

"I havent moved on! Despite what everyone says and thinks I still love Justin with all my heart, I always will. Nobody will ever replace him. Im sorry if I dont cry my eyes out and mope around acting depressed, thats not who I am. I choose to hide my feelings and emotions because I dont want pity, im sick of everyone feeling sorry for me, im sick of feeling weak. I hate it Fredo, even you look at me different since we broke up. Im broken yes but im still Chelsea Braun and I have feelings to." It felt good to get that all out

"Chelsea all im trying to say is you both need each other. I look at you different because you are different, your not happy and care free anymore. Its like when you broke up with him the real Chelsea Braun disappeared. Im saying this because I love you baby girl, we all do. You just need to do what you think is right." He said before getting up and walking out of my room

I sat there thinking about what he just said, everything he said was the truth. Thats something I havent heard from anyone in a long time. I wish I knew what was right, what I was supposed to do. Do I forgive him and give him another chance or do I walk away.

I looked over at the clock and it read '5:23pm' I decided I would go to the gym and blow off some steam. I got up and changed into some gym shorts and a sports bra, I put a jacket on over it and grabbed my gym bag. I climbed in my car and made my way to the gym which was close to my house and got out of my car.

"Hey Braun!" My trainer Tyler said hugging me

"Hey Ty! Long time no see!" I said smiling

"Yes it has been a long time, we miss you around here kiddo." He said as we walked in the gym

"Yea I know, ive been very busy lately." I sighed putting my bag down and taking off my jacket

I looked around the gym and it was empty all except for a couple guys and a particularly familiar brunette on the tredmill.

"Ty please tell me thats not-"

"Yea it is." He sighed looking at me

"Great, just great." I huffed

"Cmon, lets get you started." He said smiling

I followed him to the pull up bar were he hold me to do sets of 10 pull ups a piece. As I finished my first set I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"What do you want?" I rolled my eyes

"Well hi to you to Chels, long time no see huh?" She said winking

"Yea whatever." I spat as I started my second set

"Well I just wanted to see how you were doing after ya know, the break up." She smirked

"Why the hell do you care?" I said pulling myself up

"I was just wondering." She laughed

"Well its none of your buisness." I spat dropping down from the bar

"Well Justin never really love you anyway so I guess it was for the best huh?" She smirked evily as tears welled up in my eyes

"Shut up." I said well more like chocked out

"Awe did I hurt your feelings? Im sorry." She cooed

I felt a tear slip down my cheek as I wiped my hands on a towel and grabbed my bag, I ran out of the gym and climbed in my car turning it on and peeling out of the parking lot.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." I yelled angrily as tears fell down my cheeks

I got home and walked in the house to find Ryan and Chaz sitting in the kitchen.

"Hey Ch- whats wrong?" Ryan said snapping his head towards me

"Nothing." I lied wiping my tears

I went up to my room and locked my door before plopping on my bed and throwing the covers over me. I ignored the pleas of Ryan and Chaz for me to open the door instead I cried myself to sleep.


:o who do you think was the person at the gym?

Remember I had to re write this chapter so its completely different!

Thanks for reading dont forget to

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