Authors Note - Yeah, here we go again....

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Okay everyone... I don't know how to begin with this...

I'm really sorry!! I mean, really,really sorry!!!

I'm so sorry for not updating for like... forever.... 

I was in turkey for over 6 month when I updated regularly... Then I came back to germany and I started working here, so I never really got the time to update...

I know it sucks... I know how you guys feel and whatever you say, you're right...

I'm writing the next chapter and I'll promise to TRY to write more... but I can't really tell when I'll update because I can't find the time... Again I'm sorry...

I hope you can forgive me... 

And please tell me if you want me to continue. I know some of you want me to continue but I guess I lost most of you because of this whole waiting thing...

I wish I could tell each of you how important you are to me because without your support this writing thing means nothing... You are the ones keeping everything together, I hope you know that!

And I know I'm not the best writer but I give my best and I see that I gained more readers through this time...And it really means so much to me when you guys take your time and read and comment because each one of you make my day...YOU make me smile and I hope I wasn't such a disapointment because I didn't kept my promise to update a couple of month ago...

I just hope you guys accept my apology and give me a second chance...


I hope to see you guys soon on the next Chapter.

Please take care of your beautiful selfes xxx

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