Hello and I'm have been so down lately, I'm been having people bag on me for me tryin to watch there kids!!!!
"Sighs" I have no idea what to do???
Chapter 17
I was going to go up to Daisy's room to find out how she is doing. I started to hear her sing, it brought back memories cause out mom use to sing us to sleep every night. As soon as she got done singing, I heard her sob. It hurt me that she was hurting really bad. My biggest fear use to be losing my ego but fuck that.
My biggest fear now is losing my sister, the only family relative I have. I was going to knock and ask her if she is ok. But I decided against it because I know she won't want to talk to me. The only person she will ever talk to is Zach. It's all my fault of what I did to her. Fuck I'm such an idiot but I swear I'll make it up to you Daisy, I'll swear it to you that I will.
I walked back downstairs and then all of a sudden I hear her radio go off again. The song that was playing is one of my favorite artists is We Are by Hollywood Undead.
Our mom was a country fan and our father was a rock and rap person. Our mom loved her country music with a passion. Boy, our father was a die hard classic rock and metal, rock and metal, and rap fan. Lol. That got me giggling because I remember when our dad was alive, I caught him in his office one day air guitaring and jamming out to Classic rock n roll music. It was so funny. But the funny part is when I started giggling and he found out he got caught. Then he asked me to join him. So both is son and father were jamming out to I Wanna Rock by Twisted Sister.
Man, those were the good times I had until those stupid rouges came and took everything away from us. But I can't believe I was such so stupid for blaming her when she had no control over the situated. She was a pup when it happened. How do you expect a pup to fight such ruthless killing machine rouges.
She wouldn't stand a chance against them. I know that hurt her more
Because she was there when it happened. I felt so bad for her because she feels she has to carry the burden of her killing our parents when she didn't. When I heard the commotion that day and I saw them lying there lifeless. I turned to her to see if she was ok and I saw her stare into shock not moving.
I tried to get her to come back and when she did. I got so angry and I needed to take my anger out on someone and so I blamed her. After I told her its all her fault. She cried and said, "I killed them. I didn't mean to kill them. I'm so so so sorry. I wish it was me." I replied to her saying, "yes I wish it was you." She cried harder and I just left her there by herself. Soon enough I got everyone against her even Troy.
They started harnessing, abusing, and bullying her. I was in on it too. I noticed a difference in her and she became depressed. That is when she tried killing herself so many times. One time I caught her trying to drown herself. Her body was in the pool and just lying there. I got so scared and I saved her only to humiliate and abuse her again.
She was diagnosed with PTSD and Severe Depression. She had to take medication and I knew she wasn't taking them. She just threw her prescription away every time she got them. I know she did because I would always find them in the garbage can still full.
But I didn't care back then because I just wish she would die. I didn't really care what happened to her. Well I guess now to the present.
God what did I do to her? I asked myself. What did I turn her into? She is becoming more violent, dark, lifeless, more depressed, and more ruthless. It was all my fault that I have caused this. I went into my room and I feel to my knees and I put my hands up to my face and cried. I cried my hardest because what have I done? I really don't want to lose my sister. I will try to help her and save her. I will do everything to make her happy again.
Yay uploaded another chapter. So what do you guys think of Ben so far??? Do you think she should forgive him so easily or not right now???
Love y'all my furries

Sunk into Depression of Abuse and Rejection
WerewolfDaisy Jenkins is a werewolf who gets abused and ignored by her brother, the alpha, and pack. when it comes to her 17th birthday she finds her mate and her mate is the school's jackass. so he rejects and she is sunk into depression. she goes from a n...