Chapter 2

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We were driving for about 45 minutes when we finally arrived at the ship. We would have gotten there quicker but we made a few stops on the way to get some snacks and stopped at friends houses to say goodbye.

When we got there, Amy left the car by the water. Amy's dad said that he would come a pick it up once we left. We took our luggage on board and into our cabin. We decided that we would share a room but have separate beds, obviously. After we unpacked all of our luggage we wanted to go for a walk around the ship to see what they have. In one section they had a huge cafeteria for passengers to get their food. There was loads of entertainment sections like: a giant movie theatre, so we won't miss any movie premieres while at sea; a gym, so you can stay fit and work off all of the delicious looking food, I don't think I'll be visiting here much; and Amy wanted to see if they had a gaming section, which, of course, they did, because this ship has everything.

"Jade, Jade, come look at this quick," Amy whispered frantically, "Look they have the new Call of Duty: WWII! I haven't played it yet, oh this is so cool!" She looked at me, her face beaming. I'm guessing she expected me to be proud for her but I'm not really a gamer, unlike her, so I wouldn't know how to respond. Amy is the biggest gamer I have ever met in my life. She would be challenged to a game by some of the biggest gamers I know, and she would beat all of them. No matter what game, who it is, or how much skill they had, she would win every time, without a doubt.

After seeing what other games they had, and having Amy get excited every time she turned around, we decided to had up to the main deck to see what they had there.

There wasn't much except a group of people looking out over the water. We were in the middle of the crowd just looking out to sea when Amy dragged me aside.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a confused look on my face.

"I don't like the look of that guy over there, he looks shady." she said looking slightly disappointed with herself, " I'm sorry, it's probably nothing."

"It's ok, don't worry. You were just looking out for me, thank you." I said which seemed to make her happy again.

We went back to the bow of the ship to look over the sea. I saw some Seagulls flying overhead which made me smile because I've always loved birds. I was enjoying the view with Amy when we heard a scream from behind us. We immediately turn to see what was wrong and to our surprise, it was the man Amy had pointed out earlier. He was holding his hand over a woman's mouth and he was holding her as if her was never letting go. People started approaching him to help the woman, when he pulled out a knife and held it to her neck. The woman was struggling to loosen his grip on her, you could see the fear in her eyes. I was paralysed from the shock of what was happening. But luckily, Amy grabbed my arm and pulled me away from them.
"I told you he was bad news," she whispered to me.

They were still trying to approach him. The woman was struggling more and more. When suddenly, he slit her throat. She dropped to the ground, a pool of blood gradually growing around her. People were frantic: running around; checking her pulse. But I know it was no use, she was definitely dead. I looked up at the strange man who's face was emotionless. He locked eye contact with me, and with a blink of a eye, he was gone.

The captain's PA system came blaring through the speakers. He wanted us to lock ourselves in our cabins and await further instructions. So that's exactly what Amy and I done.

I was pacing in our cabin. My mind was racing. Who done this? Why did they do it? Are we going to be okay?

Is Amy alright?

I look over to her. She's sitting on the bed with a look of pure anger on her face.

"Are you okay, Amy?" I ask her.
"I knew he looked shady. I could have done something. I could have saved her." With each sentence, she became angrier. I've never seen her this angry before in my life. And I know she's not angry at the murderer, she's angry at herself for not doing anything.
We stand there in silence when suddenly, the PA system comes on again.

"The first contestant has fallen, only 5,132 remain."

And with that, all of the doors click and swing open.
Hi Guys!!!
I hope you like this chapter.
I got to describe the characters more in this chapter, and things are just starting to get heated.
Sorry if these chapters are short, it is my first time.

Do you think all of the passengers should make a truce and try to figure out what's going on or should they all just go wild and kill each other?

Thanks for Reading!
Hope you liked this chapter!

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