Chapter 5

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It was morning. My eyes fluttered open, I was still laying in Amy's bed. But with no Amy in sight.

I started to panic. Where was she? Is she okay? What happened to her? 

After a few seconds of heavy breathing and panicking, Amy rushed out of the bathroom and to my side. Tears began to roll down my cheeks.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. Jade, I'm okay, stop crying, I'm here," Amy started to panic whilst trying to calm me down. I held her tight.

"I thought I lost you," I cried into her shoulder. She just hugged me back, tighter.

After a few minutes of crying together, we both got up and started to get ready.  I decided to put on my favourite, black AC/DC t-shirt with some ripped jeans and trainers.

When we were done getting ready, we picked up some food, just in time for Joey to walk in with Megan and a boy from our group called Luke. They started to eat some food too, as the others arrived.

We picked up our weapons and got ready to leave as Joey done a head count.

"...21,22,23? Wait, where's Taylor and Adam?" Joey questioned.

"Oh, they were with us last night, but they went off to try and find some more loot. We haven't seen them since," someone from the group said.

"Dammit! Already?" Amy whispered to herself, just loud enough for Joey and I to hear. People in the group started to mumble, you could tell they were worried.

"Alright, everyone, calm down," Amy spoke louder this time, "Two of us are already missing, and for now, let's all just presume that they are dead. It's sad, I know, and I'm sorry to anyone who was close to them but this is how it's going to be from here on in." She picked up her machete and swung it around, quite professionally. She then slid it back into the cover that was attached to her jeans.

Everyone else scrambled to get their weapons and put them away. Some even attempted to swing them around like Amy, but none of them was as good as her. The people that didn't have any food picked up a bite and we all started heading out.

We headed for the Cafeteria again. We thought that we might be able to find something else there, that we might have left behind the previous day.

Amy and I decided to check the captain's room, or as Amy liked to call it, the Capital. And as always, Joey followed us, and some others followed him who introduced themselves on the way.

So now it was Amy, Joey, Megan, Jess, Sam and I heading up to the Capital together in hope to find something.

When we got there we saw the broken door from where Amy had kicked it in, and inside was the rest of the mess Amy had made. Tables were flipped over, paper was everywhere, and you could barely see the floor through all of the rubbish.

We looked around for a while and in the end we only found a few more knifes. We agreed that we would share them out between the group again.

"Should we head back then, there's nothing else here?" Joey sighed slightly annoyed.

"I'm going to keep looking, you guys can head back if you want." Amy called from another room.

I gave a nod to Joey to say that I will stay with her and he just nodded back and left with the others. I went into the room that I heard Amy's voice call out from. When I got there I saw her examining every little thing in the room looking for something that could help us. I thought I just shouldn't say anything to disrupt her concentration, so I got down and started looking too.

After about half an hour, Amy called me over. Her face was pale with shock and she was holding what looked to be a letter in her hand. She passed it over to me and my eyes began to examine the paper.

"Dear Passengers,

If you find this, by now you must know about your circumstances and what this cruise is actually about. The worlds population has gotten too high in the past few decades, so we decided to do something about this.

The government let 5,000 or so of you on a cruise ship and you will not be let off until there is only one person left. That person will be taken and treated as royalty, as they were the survivor.

There will be more cruises taking place after this one, and more deaths, and less survivors.

However if you found this letter, you have a better chance of survival as this letter was hidden were only the smartest people could find it. And you are one of them.


To help you for the rest of your cruise, there will be a box of more efficient weapons in the trunk hidden inside the wall on the left of where you found this letter.

Once again, Congratulations.

Enjoy your cruise,
Your Captain."

As my eyes skimmed over these last words I heard a loud crash on my left and realised it was Amy. She had smashed through the wall and found the trunk.

She opened it, and all that was in it was a small handgun, some bullets and another machete. Amy screamed as this was all that was in there.

She must have attracted some company because I heard light foot steps behind me. My body froze, I didn't know what to do. I managed to whisper Amy's name before he grabbed me and held one hand over my mouth and with the other one, he held a knife to my neck.

Amy shot up from where she was crouched. And in her hand she held the loaded gun.

"Let her go now, before I make you."

"Oh really," he began rambling about how he was going to kill me. I managed to drown him out and concentrate on Amy.

"You have three seconds to let her go, before I shoot you."

"Your not going to shoot me, your just a little girl with a toy gun," he mocked as he kept rambling.


"You'll never shoot, you wouldn't dare."


"Your not going to do it, I'm going to kill her before you do."

I could see the pain in her eyes, she didn't want to do it, but she would if she had to.


And with that she pulled the trigger and the bullet entered his chest. He dropped to the floor as blood started to spread across it.

I stared in to Amy's eyes, she was still holding the gun, and a single tear rolled down my cheek.
Hi Guys!!!

Thanks for reading this chapter.

Guys I'm not sure as to what will happen next in the story. I didn't really think this through. So if you have any ideas for what I should do, could you PM me or just put it in the comments. It would be a very helpful and I would be very grateful.
Thank you!

Again, thanks for reading!!!
Hoped you enjoyed it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2017 ⏰

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