Chapter 4

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"How could someone do this? How could someone make innocent people just go and kill each other? HE CANT JUST DO THAT JADE!" Amy cried, "I was just trying to look after you."

She mumbled the last part so only I could hear her and I did hear her but I didn't make a big deal of it.

I've never really knew how to comfort people when they are upset, so I just gathered her up in a big hug and told her that it was going to be okay, although, I knew it wasn't. But the best I could do was at least try to keep her calm.

"Come on Amy, let's go." I took her hand and led her back through the crowd of people still staring at us. As we started to return to where the rest of the group was, we bumped into Joey.

"So you girls decided to join us again, did you?" He said beginning to cross his arms in a grumpily manner. Amy quickly wiped her eyes so he couldn't tell that she was crying.

"Yeah and where's the rest of the group? You just left them there to get murdered? Some group leader you are." Amy walked past him to where the rest were, dragging me behind her.

After a few seconds I realised that we were still holding hands. I let go of her hand which caused her to turn and look at me, which made me start blushing. We got some looks from the rest but we took no notice and kept walking.

We soon made it back to the cafeteria where the rest of group 12 were huddled sheepishly in the middle of the room.

"We're back!" Joey called out to them. They looked relieved to see us... or maybe just Joey. Amy got some dirty looks from some people. They must have been annoyed that she just stormed of like that. But before I could say anything Joey started to talk.

"So as I was saying," he said looking at Amy,"I think we should make a strategy. Has anyone got any ideas?"

"First we should find some weapons or at least something that we could kill people with," I said,"We could find knifes in the kitchen. We might find some crowbars by the escape doors. If we look around there might be some other stuff too." Some people started to nod in agreement. Amy just stared at me in awe.

"What you don't expect me to know about using weapons when your talking about them 24/7," I said to her confidently. She simply just looked down and blushed.

"Oh and I found some pins that we can wear so we know that we are in the same group, also it doubles as defence for if someone try's to hurt you. I know it won't do much damage but at least it will give you enough time to get out your weapon," Joey said taking a handful of pins out of his pocket. Each pin was a fine silver colour. We each took one and put it on our clothes.

We thought that we should put it somewhere that was relatively secret so that only our group would know about it. I decided to put it through the pocket in my jeans. Amy put it through her belt.

We decided that we should split into smaller groups for the rest of the cruise. We split into 10 groups which left about 25 people in each group. Joey decided the groups. Obviously, me and Amy were together but Joey put himself in our group too.

Our group decided to look for some weapons first. Me, Amy, Joey and a girl that introduced herself as Megan went to look in the kitchen for some knives. The rest of the group split up and looked somewhere else. We all agreed to meet at Amy and my cabin. Once we told them where it was, we split up.

When we got to the kitchen, we found some other people from group 12 just as they were leaving. They gave us some of their findings. They told us they didn't raid everything, so there will still be loot left for us.

Once we went back to the rest of our group, at the cabin, we put all our findings together to see what we had. In total we had: 9 knifes, that we found in the kitchen; a barrel load of food, enough to feed us for a while; a machete, that someone found in the gardening room; a crowbar, that Amy found; and a lead pipe, that Amy managed to pull out from under the sink.

In total we managed to find a lot. We shared it between our group. Amy got the machete, of course, as she was deemed the fiercest. She gave me a smaller knife that she found in the kitchen, but promised that she would be there for me.

We thought that we should keep the barrel of food in our room and called our room the meeting spot for our group. Once everyone took some food, they went to their own cabins for the night as it was getting late and we were all tired.

Amy and I got changed into our pyjamas and got into our beds. We turned off the lights but after a while, Amy sat up and whispered to me, "Hey Jade, I can't sleep. I can't stop thinking about all of the innocent people that are probably already dead."

I sat up too, I could hear it in her voice that she was going to cry again.

"I'm sorry that you have to go through this Jade. This was supposed to be special for you. This was supposed to be for your birthday. And now it's ruined. I'm sorry." She started crying.

I stumbled over to her bed and sat down next to her on it. I wraped my arms around her and let her cry onto my shoulder.

"Amy it's not your fault. None of us knew that this was going to happen. It's all Captain Snow's fault." I smiled, which made her laugh that I remembered what she called him.

"I promise I'll be there for you Jade. I will always be by your side." She whispered. And with that we both fell asleep.
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