Chapter XXII: I Dance, I Dance Not

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Lady Therese De Beauharnais of Roche

16 October, Year 32 of King Frederick V of Monrique's reign

Bordeux Ballroom, Bordeux


It was a good opportunity to drink.

Once again that evening, my gaze was drawn to the dance floor. Lord Testalt and Lady Evangeline, dressed as Beauty and the Beast from Madam de Villeneuve's famed tale, La Belle et la Bête, were dancing in the centre of the ballroom to a lively allemande number – the first dance of the evening.

It was quite a sight. Lord Testalt was an impeccable dancer, and he moved with a grace that one would not expect of a man of his height and built. Although his baby blue eyes were deep in thought, a faint smile graced his lips as he twirled an excited Lady Evangeline in time to the music. Her cream skirts, too, swept elegantly with the sway of her slender hips, as she beamed in pure happiness, her goblin green eyes sparkling with the light from the chandelier.

I wanted to look away, but I could not. Her happiness was mesmerising, as much as it was painful.

In that moment, the box I held in my arms – the one Jules had entrusted in my care earlier – seemed to increase further in weight.

Why was I needlessly putting myself through this misery? I should simply give the box to someone else to pass it on to Lord Testalt, leave the Ball and wait for the heiresses at our meeting place.

I glanced down at the wine glass in my hand. But this wine is amazing, though.

Even as I stood there, debating on whether I should stay or leave, I was well aware that a familiar pair of grey eyes from near the refreshment tables had been watching me from the moment I had stepped into the ballroom; his gaze more curious than predatory.

I studied the man in question from the corner of my eyes, careful not to look directly at him. Towering over almost all the guests present, and with a crown perched precariously over his dishevelled, dark brown hair, he was hard to miss, and even harder to ignore.

The Crown Prince, as expected. He had not even bothered to don a costume.

Although he was speaking to a group of noblemen, who seemed to be keeping him engaged in a serious discussion, his grey eyes still followed my every movement, alert and wary.

I sighed. Jules was right. I had to deal with Nick before he interfered with my work tonight.

I took my chance the moment the group of noblemen around him dispersed. Stepping back into the shadows, I made my way discreetly through the crowd, and towards him. By then, Nick's eyes were already roaming haphazardly around the ballroom. He was no doubt searching for me, startled by my sudden disappearance.

I had reached him before he noticed me approach, and bobbed a small curtsy. "Your Royal Highness."

Nick blinked at me, shocked, before a wry smile crossed his lips. "It appears I have been caught," he conceded, "well played, Tess."

"You were too obvious, dear brother. I noticed you immediately," I leaned against the table beside him, "now would you care to tell me why I am under observation?"

"For your own safety, of course," he levelled me with a serious gaze, "Tess, I know about what happened yesterday."

My grip on the wine glass tightened. Lord Testalt must have told him.

That idiot.

"Well, if you do, then you must also know that no number of men you hire to watch over me would do any good," I sipped on my wine, "despite everything you have tried to do to protect me - behind my back – my adversary managed to reach me."

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