Sun, Sand- Ross.. Lynch?

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"Yes! Oh its going to be amazing Casey, the glistening snow, clear waters-" My father trailed on.

"DAD! you can't do this to me!" I yelled at him

"Casey, it'll be fun."

"Fun!? Dad, this is basically ruining my summer! please, tell me you're joking?" I replied

He huffed and sat down on the table.

"Casey. It. Will. Be. Fun.." He spoke before picking up the paper and taking a sip of his tea.

"Ugh!" I sighed angrilly before storming up the stairs and slamming my bedroom door.


"Seriously? you're missing One directions launch party to goto some winter-waste land?" Trish scoffed as she took a bite of her apple.

"My dad is such an ass.. like. My whole Summer Break. BAM! gone. Ugh." I replied rolling my eyes.

I set my coffee down and looked around the small cafe, cream walls and white tile flooring, a black carpet in the midle of the room. It was cute. I bet 1 million dollars the cafe's in Alaska are freezing cold and ugly. And just plain ew. What do I even wear there? I dont have anything thicker then a string top..

I bought loads of summer clothes because I thought we were going to.. oh I dont know, MIAMI?!

"Hey.. Casey, look." Trisha said nudging her head towards the person that just walked in.

I studied the figure making his way to the que but I didnt recognize him at all.

"Who is it?" I said back to her, more quietly.

She pulled out her phone in excitement and clicked on the camera app, zooming into him and taking pictures.

"What do you mean 'who is it' thats Ross fucking Lynch!" She said a little louder making him jump at the hearing of his name.

I was a little shocked but not that excited, he kinda looked like Niall.. which actually made me a little upset.

Trisha on the otherhand was freaking out, She loved Ross Lynch. She's obsessed with R5 and Austin&Ally and.. whatever else he's in.. like Washington right now.

Wait why? 

He got his coffee and turned back scanning the area for an empty table, he seen Trisha in her excited state and chuckled before sitting on the table behind us, pulling out his Iphone.

Trisha looked like she was about to blow up, she kept asking if we could switch seats just so she could stare at him, I dont see why she just wont ask for a picture? oh fandoms these days..

I caught myself looking at him, his plump pink lips, pale skin, blonde hair with brown roots.

He looked exactly like Niall.. which just made it even worse. I really did miss him.. and him being almost famous will mean I'll probably see him everywhere I go.

In magazines, on billboreds, posters.. for god sakes even on shoes and t-shirts. Next thing you know they'll be figures in a happy meal. I just-


He caught me looking. Dammit I didn't even mean to keep staring I got lost in thought and... Am I explaining things to myself?

He smiled at me and winked, I just rolled my eyes and looked back at Trisha, now giving me a weird look. She turned back to Ross and looked at him, he returned the favour and looked at her. She then looked at me with suspicious eyes and turned back leaning into the table.

"Did he just wink at you?" She squeeled quietly.

"No-." I cut myself off

"Yes..." I continued rolling my eyes once again.

"Oh my gosh! I am j-e-a-l-o-u-s" She spelled out.

"Oh me oh my." I facepalmed pushing her out the way so I could see Ross again,

"what are you-."

"Sorry, Ross? is it." I called out to him, making him look over to me.

"Would you mind just getting in a picture with-."

"You? anything for a fan hot as yourself." He interupted winking again as he got up.

"With Trisha? she loves your band and show... its amazing how much of a fan she is." I scoffed back pulling out my phone and clicking on the camera.

"Oh.. right..yeah sure." He said with light pink cheeks.

She squeeled in excitment as if nothing just happened and shot up from the table running to his side.

"Hi, i'm Trisha oh my gosh I love you so much." She said to him giving him a huge hug.

"Love you too." He smiled back at her.

"Can Ive a kiss on my cheek?" She asked him sheepishly.

I giggled at her, and he just nodded.

And first place for pulling a typical fan move goes too..

TRISHA VENQUINTES! for turning her head at the last second!

And just her luck, I got the picture as if they were proper kissing. Well, there goes my hearing ability.


IMPORTANT-So, as you've probably guessed this story is set in 2010! buuuut just a slight age change is all, Niall is gunna be 18 but he'll still have his fetus hair and non=perfect teeth because I actually loved that look omg<3 its adorable! :)

LESS IMPORTANT?-I'm suprized the first Naughty has over 10k reads and this has bearly none? I thought maybe atleast 100 people would read this out of the 10k but hey hey! to those who are reading it thankyou! you're clearly dedicated and ily :') awh

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