Chapter 13. Dinner Dates & Awkward Hello's

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Caseys POV*

It was around five to three now and I started getting hungry so decided to slip out for some food, I got my keys out of the bag on the floor where I left it earlier and walked into the hall locking my door before heading to the dining hall,

As I slowly walked down the many flights of stairs my phone beeped so I pulled it out,

It was a message off a private number.. I hesitated wheather or not to open it and decided it couldnt be any harm right?

I clicked on the text message and the lettering went as follows 

"Hey so I just thought since you thought beating me would have no consequences.. here! Enjoy." 

It was recognizable as Arine I guess.. and no conseq- um helloo?! Restraining order! dumb bitch.

I clicked on the picture attached and waited for it to load,

Once it did my eyes widened in suprize. I wasnt expecting this to be honest..

It was a picture of.. of Niall and her kissing, tongue and all. I couldnt help but feel everything inside me just drop. But.. why would she.. 

All of a sudden I felt a crash and almost fell backwards only to be caught at the last second.

"Woah, watch where you're going little lady." A husky voice said hauling me back on my feet.

He was well built and dressed formally, a walie talkie on his belt and a gun holder on his shoulder tucked into his armpit.

"Are.. are you a bodygaured?" I asked him.

He nodded and looked towards the door we were two steps away from, Harry had walked out with Liam. 

Liam immediatly recognized me and frowned, looking almost saddened. Harry almost looked the same.

"You better get a move on now miss." The bodygaured smiled at me moving aside for me to pass.

I could just feel the tears brimming up.

I walked on and straight passed the gazing boys I had missed dearly

"Hi Casey.."Liam said as I passed

"Hey.." I said awkwardly as I continued my way down the last two flights of stairs almost hypnotized. All I could picture was their depressed expressions.. I could bearly think straight.

As I walked up to the counter to order the woman smiled "what can I get you love?" She asked me,


"Love?" She added not getting a reply out of me.

"Um.. just um." I said dazed scanning the counter.

I noticed there was bolognaise on the menu..

***"Niall? Really? Pasta for breakfast?" I said staring at the boy pile spagetti onto his plate.

***"Yeah, I love pasta!" He replied.

I pointed at the menu and the woman nodded getting some onto a plate and handing it to me.

I payed her and turned around, scanning the area for somewhere to sit.


I furrowed my brows and narrowed my eyes trying to spot anywhere I could sit. Just..

I could see something in the corner of my eye, and it was moving quite fast and made it really eye catching so I looked over to see Club Penguin waving over at me, Once I looked he gestured for me to come over and I smiled.

I walked over to the table and he patted the seat next to me.

"Hello Blondie." He said as I sat down,

"Good day Puffle. I seem to be running into you everywhere." I giggled.

"Must be fate." He added laughing along with me.

"How was your video?" I asked him

"Oh, it went fine. We're taking a break now, doing one with Patty and your old buddy next." He added taking a sip of his monster can... um... cans?

Wait old friend?

"Huh?" I asked him furrowing my brows taking a bite of my food.

He looked around a bit before pointing to a blonde boy hugging another blonde boy a bit far off in the distance, theye was a brunette in a purple beanie next to the taller one...

They both looked like they were having a good two minute chat to be honest.. I just cant really see that far off.

"Who is it?" I asked

"is it Joey?" I added looking back at Jason.

"Yeah, he said he seen that one from One Direction.. think hes a fan, always talking about him." Jason added

Oh.. he must be taking to Niall then..

"And the one with the purple hat is Patrick?" I added looking back at them.

"Patty." He corrected me.

"Oh sorry," I added.

"You know.. if this was me last year ide have already mocked the fuck out of you and told you stay away from me.. just thought ide let you know I was a ginormous bitch." I spoke almost randomly.


He was about to speak when I jumped off the seat quickly moving towards Joey, Almost perfect timing too cause Niall had just left.

Joey was about to talk to that Patrick guy when I litterally jumped on his back hugging him.

"Joey fucking Graceffa!" I half-yelled.

"What the shiz." Joey said shocked at what was happening,

"A fan?" Patrick spoke,

Joey looked at me and smiled wider then you can imagine.

"Casey!" He said turning and hugging me properly.

"I missed you so much oh my god." He added amost squishing me.

"Joey.. cant... breathe...halp." I yelped trying to pry him off me.

Patrick giggled and helped him off me.

"So ah this is Patty and Patty this is Casey!." Joey introduced us excitedly.

"Hello!" I said giving him a hug.

"The Casey you liked in camp?" Patty said smiling and breaking the hug.

"Yeah." Joey replied putting a hand on the pack of his neck awkwardly.

"Well.. Jasons kinda waiting for us.. I think." I said looking back at the lonly puffle at the table.

"You already met him?"

"Its how I found out you were here silly goose!" I giggled.




PleaaaSe pLEAAAsE  read: Captain Ireland Niall Horan A.U

Niall is a SuperHerooooo! And Liam is the SuperVillain! DUN DUN DUNNNN! pleasee its my new fic and I lurvee itttt ;-;

If it gets enough reads i'll make sure it has a good bit of smutty chapters?! ;o pleaseesessssssssssssss

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