Chapter 11. Beyond.

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As I walked through the cold morning air I looked at my surroundings, I heard their was a church in this area.

Not just any church though,

As I took the small breaths, puffs of air escaped into the furrowing skies above me.

There was nothing to do in the hotel and I thought, why not you know? I havent gone in a while and..

And i'm dissapointed in myself for it.

I turned a corner and could see the churches tower nearing me, and beyond that the desolate sky, not a cloud covering the pink tinted blue horizon.




I wonder what my father would say if he seen me going here? to pay my respects? Would he be proud or saddened?

I pushed open the large silver rusted gates and strolled down the stone path. I continued to the graveyard at the back of the church and scanned the rows of graves till I seen the one I wanted.

I place a white rose on top of it and knelled down placing my hands on my lap, I dusted off the front of the grave and looked at it with a smile smile before sighing. immediatly being filled with sadness.

"Hi mom." 

I studdied the gold imprint on the black marble and took another slow breath,

"So.. i'm not that bad in school anymore.. I know I was a nightmare but, But i've gotten better at it. I actually do my homework." I giggled..

"And I met this guy, mom. And I promise mum, this time it was differant. I didnt just want him for sex. I thought I might have actually loved him. He was my everything.. but we got separated for a year, you wouldnt believe it I was torn for about a month. Just crying.. and crying.. I tried to move on after but I couldnt." I said my eyes starting to tear up.

"I miss you... I need you back. Everyone needs a mother in their life. I'm sorry, i'm sorry I was such a terrible daughter I'm sorry, I'm sorry.." I cried out. The tears spilling like rain on the irish coast.

"He hates me now.. just like Dad. He's so dissapointed in me. He doesnt understand.. you would. You always stuck up for me, when I did things wrong you helped me through it. Dad just tells me what a screw up I am. He never.." I sniffed "He never aknowledges the good in me.." I sobbed putting my head in my hands.

Crying like there was no tomorrow,

Just letting it all out. 

"A lot happened since you passed.. Taylor. Taylor is doing so well.. She's gotten better at public situations and even managed to get a few friends, She used to run from groups now shes joining them.." I whipped my eyes and looked at her grave.

"I wish I could just hold you once more.. See your bright eyes again." I said with a heavy heart.

I smiled and looked at my hands, twisted and knotted in eachother.

"Dont cry, dont frown. Stop feeling so down. Just smile, look up at the sky, think of all the good things in life." I sang,

"Remember that mom? Everytime I was sad when I was little.." I sniffed.

"Oh. Did you hear were moving? Well.. Dad and Taylor already left.. I had to stay. I know I said I was good but.. I got in more trouble.. I was only trying to stick up for myself, Like you told me too. But arina decided to strech the truth and lie about what happened and I just dont know how to clear my name or what to do? I need your help mom.." I said the tears welling up again,

"Remember that boy I mentioned? he's involved. He hates my guts over it. I have no one left... Trish, Trish is too busy with partys and doing the stuff a normal teen would do at Summer Break.. whens my break from life huh mom? When is it my turn to have no consequences?" I cried out.

A gust of wind blew and the rose flew onto my lap,

I looked at it and smiled the tears still spilling.

"I love you too mom."

I picked it back up and picked up an old vase that was already there, I turned it upside down the mouldy water and witherd roses spilling to the side, and with it.

A wet yellow pice of paper,

My eyebrows furrowed and I put the vase back and the white rose inside it. I picked up the paper and began unfolding it.

I read the first line written in bold print and coverd my mouth with my hand, My lips pursing into a smile.

It was my parents wedding bond,

The thing that sealed them together in eternal bliss. 

I looked at the bottom of the page and seen their signatures; Lilac June Evans & Marc Gordon Evans

It really brightend up my day,

I refolded it and put it back in the vase under the rose.

I got up and left a kiss on the pads of my fingers placing them on the top of the marble before slowly turning and walking back to the Hotel.

Lilac June Evans..





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