Chapter 6. Caught In The Spotlight.

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"Who are you?"

"How do you know Niall!?"

"Go die in a hole, slut. Put you're boobs away, bet thats why he followed you!"

"How did you get Niall to follow back?! Sent him nudes?? Slut."

"Wow youre pretty, to bad you seem like a bitch on your feed. Lol whatever whocares."


Piles and piles of messages were being sent to me. What the hell is going on?! Not a single nice message? Surely they have me confused with someone else?


I scrolled down my 'DMs' A little more and stopped on a long enough paragraph sent from "@Arina_HotStuff123"

"Hey, So you're this so called famous Casey? Pfft.. thought you'd be prettier then this, dumb bitch. Look everyones going on about how you got a follow back so quickly, and how much of a slut you clearly are. Just to let you know I dont care if youre 'The biggest fan ever' Block them all, or I'll make your life hell. Trust me on this okay, Niall. the hot blonde. M I N E. And always will be okay? Mwah love you!" -Sent 1hour Ago via Twitter Mobile.

Who the fuck does she think she is?! And Niall never followed me? It didn't come up in my notifications so uhm. Shut your fat mouth, And me? Oh yeah.. i'm the slut alright, Her profile icon is a picture of her in nothing but her underwear and her last update was "Bout to get drunk and ride half the club holla at me!"

Bitch please, get yourself checked. Like I care about what a bunch of 10 year olds say. Niall was mine before any of this shit even happened. 

Ugh see? Reason One why I hate celebritys N O  P R I V A C Y   A T   A L L. Once a fan gets into your buisness thats it, no getting them out. 

Fucking weirdo's.

I clicked on my mentions as they had blown up a long with my followers, I had 1,256 followers and 381 Mentions, I didnt even want to check the mentions as no doubt 99.9% is hate duh. So instead I decided to call them out and show these bitches Niall never followed me. I typed his name up and once again clicked on his page.

I waited a bit for it to load and then there it was.

@NiallOfficial (Follows You)


Wait so he did? Cool no big deal right? I mean he's bearly famous and his 'Fans' still go wild and send things like this? I know they're good but like.. its just five guys that have talent and are lucky enough to have the looks to go with it?

Yaaaay... such an amazingly big deal that one of them followed me..


I got sick of seeing people wanting me dead on twitter so decided it was time to get ready for my last day of school.

I could litterally get in any trouble I want, and not have any permanent dammage because I'm leaving in two days.

Oh me, oh my. Fridays are the best.


"Casey! O.M.G okay this girl uhm. Ariana or something sent me this warning message about you she told me to tell you 'Stay Away From 1D Or else.' DID YOU MEET UP WITH THEM?! you're the talk of the school!" Trish 'greeted' me

"Ugh Arina... she's so thick even messaging my friends wow. No, I didnt. Taylor told me Niall had a twitter so I followed him and he followed back wow such a big deal." I scoffed and walked to my locker.

"But he mentioned you in a status? Asking if you wanted to hang out?" She questioned, following behind me.

"WHAT!?" I half-shouted pulling out my phone and checking my wall. I scrolled to the statuses and I seen a bunch from teenage-fangirls then seen the one from Niall?!

"@CaseyMoshesBMTHStyle Nice username xD Hey its been ages! Want to hang out later(Or nah)??"

Ooooohhh thats why it caused such a fuss! For fuck sake! I would've so said yes! I miss him so much this isnt fair I never seen it. No. no. No. Rude. Not fair. Stupid fangirls blowing my notifications up!

"Oh my god!! what the hell." i yelled at my phone.

"So i'm taking that as a 'No i didnt see it." Trisha coo'd.

"So unfair! Stupid fans did this on purpose! Just so I wouldnt see the mention!" I practically ignored Trisha.

She sighed and giggled. "Well just organise for another time then?"

"I cant! I've to start packing tomorrow so i'm ready on Sunday." I said slamming my locker door.

"Fuck my life." I huffed walking to class.


Sorry its short, I did this sorta in a rush! I'm leaving soon but wanted to have something for you guys to read blarghhh bye!! Love you all!!

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