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when ej comes back home,
he goes to hug his mom
and his siblings.
but arya is the only one
who doesn't want to hug him.
she is still mad because
her big brother
hasn't been to her
very first dance recital.

"it's okay. she'll be fine,"
renesmee, ej's mother
says, stroking his chin
and smiling at him.
he forces himself
to smile back.

he is upset because
of the bonfire night.
the way donovan
has glared at him
bothers him.

he wishes he
could fit in
but he can't
go to school
no more.

or can he?

as he wonders
and ponders
that night,
his mind forms
a   p l a n.

his family
will support him.

EJ [THE TWILIGHT SAGA]Where stories live. Discover now